• SkepticalButOpenMinded@lemmy.ca
    11 months ago

    I don’t think you meant it this way, but I feel a bit uncomfortable that your comment plays into the “corrupt First Nations” narrative.

    Of course, some First Nations have misspent funds sometimes, but so do Doug Ford and Danielle Smith. Ontario and Alberta are just rich enough to absorb mistake after mistake. Do Ontarians need oversight or can they govern themselves? Meanwhile, any mistake by First nations groups are scrutinized as moral failings, and stereotyped onto the whole racial group.

    • cheese_greater@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      Can I ask totally innocently: what is the structure where Aboriginal people’s local governments like audit themselves or keep things running? I really dont mean to be picking on anybody specifically, I want to address my own ignorance (biut interest in lesrning) about these type things in line with what you mentioned. Non-Ab Canadians really have so little info or any way to know about whats going on in Reservations/Ab local governemnts.

      I’m very open to a nudge in the correct direction. I hate poverty, racial discord and unecessary suffering for anyone of any skin color or background and I’m interested in actually having a means to start educating myself. Did take Aboriginal Studies in HS but I had so much family bullshit it was impossible for me to like absorb anything so even though i got good grades, I didnt really feel I had the space and opportunity to truly learn and make the knowledge mine :(

    • cheese_greater@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      Oh, I know. Don’t worry, I have zero issue holding politicians in general to task, I don’t mean to seem offensive in the way you’re concerned about. Its absolutely a fair point, I just know that this is an important time for Aboriginal/CanadianGovermment relations and I want to try to do what I can to help even out the discussion wherever I can but I worry because its absolutely something that gives a lot of ammunition to typically Right-leaning governments and their constituents and its a potent pendulum that will likely be swinging towards the other direction in the next couple years, particularly as the Right media starts harping on this settlement.

      To be honest, when I say something like that its not aimed at the people on Reservations but more towards governments or local leaders that take advantage of discord and lack of accountabillity to the effect that these folks lives never seem to get better or any easier and it causes harm to these people unduly.

      I would love to know how the average Canadian can educate themselves better or get a more nuanced understanding of relations and also actual issues that are recognized and that Aboriginal folks would be interested in non-Ab Canadians taking an interest in.

      Random question: is there like an Aboriginal Canadian Netflix type thing with shows showcasing and relevant to folks but maybe in English or at least with English subtitles? I would love to watch and get a partial snapshot through the culture if its even possible or it exists? I’d prefer like TV series so I can get an extended steeping in something thats hopefully well-regarded and representative so I’m not poisoning my mind with nonsense that doesn’t help or speak for those who it represents culturally.