For me I generally pirate most books I read, although if there is a book I really enjoyed I will buy the physical copy.

I also generally tend to avoid having takeaways because they are just so expensive in this day and age with inflation and tend to opt for cheap meals like pasta or rice etc.

Also I don’t pay for any streaming services, but borrow a VPN service from a friend to pirate the movies I watch.

Curious to hear of some ways that you people here save money.

    10 months ago

    When you refund a mattress they just surface clean it

    yuck. I doubt that. It’s manual work and far more expensive than a machine.

    but getting them dry would be a challenge

    seriously? I mean, there is a chance no such service exists in your town. Bad luck then. But there is close to zero chance it doesn’t exist in your country.

    What do you think hospitals do? (Or good hotels, as mentioned). Source: Worked in an elderly home that used such a service regularly.

    Here’s an image of such a mattress washing machine.

    They work.