Mind your business.

  • 225 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 18th, 2024


  • You don’t understand geopolitics if you only think Western politics that matter. It shows you are a propagandist, a bias person, partial, and no substance. Do you understand there is more to the world than just NATO and the US? There is another world outside your little echo chamber? That you even put up this post shows you don’t know what geopolitics is, and therefore in the wrong community. This isn’t a US/NATO only community, and they don’t own the subject of geopolitics. It involves all nations and countries.

  • The US wants peace and stability in the region and support for their Ukrainian and European friends.

    The US does not want peace. You know why? Because the US rejects any peace deal with Russia, while Russia repeatedly extended proposals for a peace deal. Ukraine had democracy, peace, and stability before NATO showed up. There is a before and there is an after. Ukraine today is less democratic, less free, and far less stable under the tutelage of NATO. By all metrics, Ukraine has receded on everything. What the US wants is to expand its influence, which was a long term policy set many years ago after the fall of the USSR. What the US wants is a NATO Ukraine, a NATO Russia, or NATO Russian states subservient to US foreign policy, that extends into Eurasia. This is the reason the US does not accept any peace agreements or compromises with Russia. The Russian political class is the stumbling block for US influences beyond Europe. How do I know this? Whistleblowers and articles by American elites and the very little coverage of the evidence at hand. The most important news you will find on page 25 or at the back of the newspaper, as it is a proper analogy to mainstream news media.

    There is short term policy and then there is long term policy. For long term policy to work, you need an entrenched establishment with common goals and a common ideology. This is why Donald Trump is not accepted among the establishment. Americans elites were debating soon after the collapse of the USSR on whether NATO should expand near Russia’s borders. Very important people in the US government and the EU knew that expanding NATO to Russia’s borders was insane. Especially expanding NATO to Ukraine, which was meant to be a neutral state to meet security concerns. Part of that security concern was the denuclearization - which is a paradox because a nuclear weapon is the ultimate defensive weapon. The warmongers, the hawks, the neocons won out, and it became settled policy to perpetually expand NATO, which is why it is not a defensive alliance. When the USSR collapsed, its conventional military forces became weak, but the Russians counted on their nuclear arsenal to protect them from NATO expansion as the ultimate defensive weapon. Conventional military forces are used much more offensively while a nuclear strike is rarely used in that way, if you consider Nagasaki, and Hiroshima offensive. Nuclear threat escalates the threat to survival on a much higher scale. Russia is afraid of NATO’s conventional forces because NATO is the expansionist here. Americans adopted the British Empire geo-strategy of encircling Russia.

    Your answers to my questions are not serious, and you have no evidence to support your claims. To understand the conflict in Ukraine, it is important to know it is not just a Russian factor; it is also the US factor. Without the US factor, there is no Russian factor. That is to say, without US interference, and involvement in Ukraine, there would be no 2014 coup in Ukraine, and the Russians, for sure, would have not invaded on Feb. 24, 2022. The Russian invasion of Ukraine was not unprovoked, not by a long shot, despite what Western information dispensers say. The following links are evidence…



    A Geostrategy for Eurasia | Foreign Affairs - https://fam.ag/4b0l6pH

    How to Possibly Start a War with Russia: Let Ukraine Join NATO - 19FortyFive https://bit.ly/4aMfrDc

  • The minds behind the US-Israeli Alliance are the same minds behind the Ukraine conflict. Why is the US picking on China for, why does it have sanctions on Cuba? China and Cuba did nothing to the US. You don’t apply the same standard the other way around. Humans lives are subservient to politics. Western states say some of the dumbest, craziest shit that makes Kim Jong-un look sane, and rational. Look at your daily politics, bread, and circus. I honestly don’t understand how Westerners can keep their sanity. Maybe they don’t, and are in fact insane.

  • Why do you ask questions? Answer this… Russia can end the war if only NATO stays out. Those are conditions for a peace deal, which NATO rejects. NATO has no interest in Ukraine surviving. NATO elites know that Ukraine can’t win yet what they think and what they say are different things. Russians view NATO as an existential threat. NATO is to Russia is what the Warsaw Pact was to NATO. Western elites created a myth of an imperial Russia that suddenly wants to conquer Europe. The only people with stupid foreign policy is the US and NATO, Russia does not have stupid foreign policy. Does Israel-Gaza ring a bell, 20 years in Afghanistan for nothing, the Iraq War, the Vietnam War and the domino theory? Who has the stupidest foreign policy? Russians were stupid for adopting communism. I would wish communism on my enemies.

  • Russia is not a peer competitor. All NATO and the EU accomplished in Ukraine is a pointless, futile attempt to militarize Ukraine against Russia, dying Ukrainians with no real objective other than hold the line in a trench and become easy pickings for drones, air strikes, rockets, and glide bombs. NATO totally fucked up the global situation for the perceived gain of “weakening Russia”. NATO made Russia militarily aware, and the stupid alliance is pushing Russia into stronger ties with Iran and China from one direction, while the State Department is pushing China together with Russia from the other side. This is extremely dumb foreign policy. I couldn’t expect anything less from the people running the shitshow.

  • The problem with the US military capacity is what libertarians long argued about and even predicted. When you have essentially infinite people, taxes & money printing, with all peer competitors remove, thus no perceived rivals, including the low threat from Russia. Free to roam, the US engaged in a nation-building, and deposition of world leaders to refashion the world into a liberal world order that is subservient to US influence. The Saudis had their security quid pro quo, European countries cut military budgets to below the minimum, and all was great…for a little while. That is until the US ran into Russia, ignoring the conditions of Ukrainian statehood, which is neutrality. Yes, the people who watch CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, read The Hill, NY Times, listen to Joe Biden, Blinken, Hillary Clinton, Nikki Haley, Mitt Romney, Mike Pence, Jack Keane, David Petraeus, John Brennan, John Kirby, the list goes on, & the secret women & men who hold talks and meetings behind closed doors, believe information that tailored for their consumption, as to have a specific perception by false narrative. Their minds are a product of a militant democratic state that uses propaganda as to fill the lack with autocracy. These are products of the US psy-op operation. They are programmed drones.

    Psychological operations (United States) - Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_operations_(United_States)

    These elites make up the establishment, which can be termed “The Deep State”. It is a conformist and loyal fraternity of people who clearly have too much time and power in their hands.

  • Demand is relative. When the USSR collapsed, NATO countries, especially European members, dramatically cut military spending below the minimum mandate they agreed upon, which contradicts the Russophobia narrative. A reason why for “high demand” is that since the US was picking on small, weaker countries, it never had to face an adversary in a war of attrition. Instead, the US military during the unipolar moment. Uncle Sam focused on high-tech gadgets that focused on precision while gutting the true and proven kings of battle, like artillery and their dumb shells. Even the M777 shoots a high-tech GPS guided 155mm shell. Because the US government never provided checks on pricing, no bargaining, the US hyperinflated the costs for military procurement. Things that should be reasonably priced with their military contemporary equivalents, are ludicrously priced. Paying more for less. There is your price gouging there. They have done it to themselves. This is more than just attributed to higher income. The military suppliers purposely maximize profits over volume, and only produce just enough as not to lower their profit margins than necessary. American politicians won’t tell you about this, because their profligacy creates its own constituency, and a revolving door of politicians becoming lobbyist, and vice versa. You know, like Nikki Haley, who some moderate democrats find apparent qualities about her.

  • This is Biden’s liberal ideology -flood of migrants who lower wages for the working class, and brain drain of white collar labor from other countries. When you have a supply of migrant carpenters, they are going to underbid the citizens. Caesar Julio Chavez was opposed to immigration for this reason. I understand business want cheap labor, but this is not the incentive you want to advertise to the world, because you have migrant crisis like you have now. Not to mention, they are a nuisance to the locals who have to put up with them, uninvited, and have to sacrifice their economic well-being to support them.