If you don’t need a dedicated mailbox, just buy the domain from a provider like cloudflare or Google that supports email forwarding. Google forwards all emails to @mydomain to my Gmail account for free.
If you also need outgoing email, sign up for an SMTP relay. I use mailjet, and their free tier offers high enough limits for my personal use. Within Gmail, I added the SMTP settings from mailjet, and I can now send email from my custom email address by just selecting it in the compose page.
If you don’t need a dedicated mailbox, just buy the domain from a provider like cloudflare or Google that supports email forwarding. Google forwards all emails to @mydomain to my Gmail account for free.
If you also need outgoing email, sign up for an SMTP relay. I use mailjet, and their free tier offers high enough limits for my personal use. Within Gmail, I added the SMTP settings from mailjet, and I can now send email from my custom email address by just selecting it in the compose page.