• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • I mean, bosses input reading my heavy attack to suddenly turn their three move combo into a four move combo 50% of the time feels a bit lame. For instance the dancing lion suddenly going into the spray carousel after it would have exhausted its combo and rested otherwise. My main issue is on the inconsistency.

    Don’t get me wrong, that fight was really fun and I overcame it, but there are many such cases where it feels overtly like the game just threw in the extra attack as a “fuck you” while trying to learn the mechanics. There might be a subtle cue to the boss’s body language I didn’t see but there’s also the issue of the camera in encounters with large enemies.

    On the whole though, as frustrating as it may be at times, often there’s still an underlying pattern. The only fights I think are explicitly unfair are the ones with adds or multiple enemies that add a lot of uncertainty especially if some are off camera. The twin gargoyle fight comes to mind, as does the Godskin duo where you explicitly have to kill both around the same time or the other respawns.

  • Perhaps they are bad examples, but my point was more that I think those ecosystems thrive in spite of the company that owns the upstream at this point more than because of it. They did tremendously useful work getting the projects off the ground but it ostensibly seems like they get in the way more often than not; that said, I haven’t done any open source work on either of the two. I’d be interested to hear your take, I could be pretty far off the mark.

    Honestly my main examples I’d point to right now are situations like manifest V3 and Android nitpicks like the recent Bluetooth 2-tap change; don’t get me wrong, they are easy to fork and have thriving ecosystems in terms of volunteer dedication, but those forks still primarily targeted towards technical users (with some exceptions) and companies selling devices like the Freedom Phone (and other, actually neat, useful, properly privacy focused devices which is awesome!). By far, however, most users are on the upstream branch due to “default choice” psychology and have to deal with the bullshit that’s increasingly integrated into the proprietary elements that Google seems to be making harder and harder to separate from the open source ones. I suppose that’s why education and getting the word out are all the more important though.

    Could be the sensationalist end of the tech news cycle getting me spun up on an overall inaccurate view of things.

    There is also the point I have to raise that security update support is always a very valuable asset that can be worth dealing with some downsides to get ahold of. I’m hoping a lot of those can be pulled into open source projects on more of a piecemeal basis where applicable?

    I’d be happy to be proven wrong about my rudimentary assessment. I have enough things to be doomer about and honestly it would be nice to have one or two fewer!

  • Chromium is still open source, as is Android to some extent. I get that the two companies (Google and Proton) are in completely different size classes, but something being open source doesn’t necessarily mean it stays healthy. Sure people can fork it, but the issue tends to lie in continuous maintenance by volunteers against continuous maintenance by a large company that’s constantly adding in anti-features along with desired ones.

    I’m not necessarily saying Proton will go down that route, but trying to become big and bundled as a value proposition opens the door for that behavior once they get enough people locked into the ecosystem.

  • I’m picturing a CEO in a board meeting suddenly turning heel on the fiscal policy and spinning it as “y’know it really is our duty as a fortune 500 American company to be paying our taxes because it pays dividends back into this country…” met by the credulous looks from everyone else in the room and mix of eager to pensive nods from other Executives.

    The C-suite trying to pull fast ones by Accounting hoping they won’t notice but getting their plots subtly foiled by the existence of so many tax loopholes.

    The only thing across the runtime that definitely 100% for sure won’t happen is the blanket lowest-pay raises, but it frequently gets brought up as a joke that’s only funny for the first few episodes and quickly becomes a tired cliche; the last resort suggestion that has to be tried and shot down every. single. time even though it becomes increasingly clear that it would be a net positive for everyone. In that sense, the humor is still there, but it’s in the cynical acknowledgement of the situation rather than the lowest paid employee actually being the butt of the joke.

  • Imagine a world where combined C-suite salaries were capped at the tax burden a company owes past a certain point. I think that would be incredibly funny to see the conflict of interest at play. Want your accounting/legal department to research tax loopholes to exploit? Sure thing, but it’s coming straight out of your paycheck!

    Oh, you “had a bad year”? Probably shouldn’t be taking home a hundred million dollars then.

    Combined with a “top pay can’t make more than x times the salary of the lowest paid employee” with the exception being the tax thing, I could see it being a great double bind into making companies either pay their workers more or actually pay their share in taxes.

    I know it would basically never happen in the US but a girl can dream

  • Forgive me if, when presented with the trolley problem and the person on track b would die anyways if I did not pull the lever, if I pulled that lever instead of ignoring everything and/or jumping off a cliff. The political situation is bleak here, and the machine is designed to keep Americans placated, disenfranchised, and generally apathetic. We don’t have coalition voting. We don’t have ranked choice, and it’s even banned in certain states! If there’s a proper alternative to Biden in this country, that information has to be disseminated to hundreds of millions and convince them to change their vote. It’s possible that someone could come along but they’d have to work fast I sure as hell don’t see anyone with that kind of rallying power. Do you have any suggestions on who I should vote for?.. Because my choice is first and foremost in the interest of overall harm reduction in whatever practical terms that can actually be accomplished in this country.

    Declining to vote in this system is, effectively, silently endorsing whoever gets in; it signals that you’re ok with everything, or at least it gets interpreted that way by politicians 100x more than any sort of “protest” effect you think not voting will achieve. Literally if you don’t vote for a politician why should they care what the fuck you think? One party doesn’t even want us voting at all because it means they can give less of a fuck about us! Frankly, I don’t want to see the orange man in office again, and he will be worse than even self-professed Zionist Joe on matters pertaining to the rest of the world. Again, I’m open to an alternative if you can give me one that’s not sticking my head in the sand or some fetishistic “revolution” way too many people pine for without having a single ounce of solidarity in their real lives.

  • I’m pretty certain the shorts algorithm is kind of “its own thing” in a lot of ways. It’s a prime “your mileage may vary” system, and because so many right wing creators upload to it, it’s basically a numbers game unless you get lucky with the algorithm when it’s first getting a handle on your preferences.

    While I don’t know this for certain, the only really effective way to get the algorithm to stop showing you something is to literally close the app for a while when it puts one in front of you. Combined with searching up shorts for the stuff you want, I think it’s possible but it’s really persistent if it thinks it should show you specific kinds of content.

    At the end of the day, however, they’re machine learning models, and while we can gesture at trends, nobody knows the full ins and outs of how a specific model makes its decisions. Kind of scary that we trust them to the role of curation in the current environment at all to be honest

  • I don’t know anything about non-cartoon guy, but after confirming my guess, the sign behind says “Sneed’s Feed and Seed” at the top which is indeed a Simpsons reference. Apparently it has ties to 4chan culture as well, if the knowyourmeme page is anything to go by.

    The Simpsons character is from the episode/scene in question, and I don’t know if he is given a name because I’ve never seen the full episode.

    Edit: Additionally, the Simpsons character has been edited specifically to resemble a rule 34 rendition of Omni-man from Invincible, in which the artist depicted him with a suit on, but very skin tight and leaving very little to the imagination with everything visible through the suit. The original image was/is also shared around a lot in some spaces, mainly for shock value but there could be additional meaning. You can also find info for that on the knowyourmeme page for “Thicc Omni-Man” (potential NSFW warning)

    No idea what the significance of the choking-with-buttcheeks is, but I’d imagine it’s not great.