Soooo, buy expensive Danish plastic?
Soooo, buy expensive Danish plastic?
Well you have Deepseek to prove it.
And while the US is turning their attention to them, harrassing and taunting them they can not start a war with them. They will lose as it is.
And China will only get stronger and widen the gap in tech and military advances. They have also increased their military expenses to 5% which is massive.
Same for Russia.
The US are a dying empire, losing parts of the global cake to both of them.
They play dangerous games and would welcome Europe and Russia or Taiwan get into an armed conflict that only benefits them.
I hope our vasal leaders realise that before it’s too late.
The US doesn’t have friends, only interests.
If you want an echo chamber where your kind spread your rabid Russophobia and forbid free speech like in ex-ukraine you can go back to Reddit.
Bye now
you sure weasel out like an american LOL
Ask people now about Iraq and see if they mention Kuwait or WMD’s.
And where do they miseducate people like that?
Is it a secret or should I guess?
Another one of the terrible 5 eyes countries?
then 1 UK AUS.
Or one of the terrible baltics or miserable Poland.
But your English is good and know how to spell (so I should’ve known you weren’t american)
And it continues: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/12/30/cypl-d30.html
immigrated to Canada during the Cold War.
Also yes, but my link shows the west actively rescued and evacuated the worst SS nazis even during the war and sent them there.
Others followed later.
They figured it was a good way to counter the left-wing sentiments many earlier immigrants had. Ironically many of them Ukrainian communists.
Here’s a good read on how it evolved and how they now have power:
Good luck over there.
First of all how old were you when it happened?
I bet you got the sanitised, revisionist version, after some years plenty believed it had to do with WMD’s and never heard of the US warcrimes. (Same thing happened after decades of Hollywood fantasy movie propaganda when people in EU began to believe the US won the war and not the never mentioned Soviets)
I’m sure I know more about it or history in general you since we have better education than you Canadians and.
I’m sure with the many many SS Galicia warcriminals that moved there, and their offspring like Freeland whitewashing them I think you probably don’t know enough about your own country.
Cowardly bombing a country is not ‘fighting a war’
Even then, like the ukranians you mostly used a proxy, the Kurds and other local factions to do the fighting for you.
And in good american tradition you threw them under the bus later.
Not even. The Soviets won that war for them, they came in late like the vultures they are to reap the rewards.
They are going backward WITH their weapons and have to kidnap kids and granddads off the streets.
Tell me genius, how exactly are they going to “stop their invasion”. Are you still living in your 2022 Russia is running out of arms and gas fantasy?
It will end when the fascists are defeated, orange man or anyone else has no say in this and can’t do shit about that.
Amazing operation BTW from Russia going 15K in a gaspipe and then destroying and capturing what’s left of the Banderites.
Somehow you don’t show that in your cringe combat videos.
No wonder you live in a fantasy world.
Is the ghost of kiev coming back too?
.ca , you’re probably be a descendant of these guys. LOL
Like Chrystia Freeland.
No wonder you have monuments for - and honor nazis.
Totally infested with them.
Plenty core conditions need to be worked out, not as the article suggests, details.
Poor quality reporting, as usual from the MSM
Ah Germany, where even the Greens are fanatical warmongerers
Iran doesn’t take shit
The boxer on the ropes and his trainer deciding to have an extra time-out.
Surely the other boxer must accept or he is clearly not of good will.
And the exact same “ball in Russia’s court” tweets LOL
EU crying about not being taken seriously and demanding respect.
Here they are again reading what the note says dictated by their US masters.
Pathetic clowns
Sure who wouldn’tbelieve what they say?
OK, as long as their comments are removed or they get banned.
But usually I get that treatment when I reply.
Oh look, pathetic personal attacks and baseless slander when they have no arguments to counter facts.
The best you can expect from an ignorant lemm.ee bot with a one day old account. LOL
They deliberately act incompetent. And they have the same interests as the other side of the uniparty since they have the same donors and are ment to serve them, not the public.
And it’s not their own controlled opposition Bernie that they want to shut up or furiously andsuddenly competently work to get off the ballots, but real left 3rd party candidates.
They have their Bernies and squad members for the sole reason to keep their voters running away from them.
Hey we get this revolutionary super can which is supposed to keep your beer cool.
The ribs are supposed to reduce the contact area of warm fingers.
It doesn’t work obviously since they aren’t big enough and skin on fingers are flexible enough to touch everything.
You only pay 30 to 50% more for this nonsense.
Everyone tries to avoid them but somehow the normal cans are more than often ‘sold out’ in stores.