• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Good question. According to this article, the process going on with Betelgeuse does sound like the same or very similar to the process described in OP’s article.

    The great dimming [of Betelgeuse] was caused by the star spitting out a lump of gas and dust, like chewing gum: or what scientists call a “surface mass ejection” caused by an “anomalously hot convective plume”.

    OP’s article doesn’t say that the Old Smokers they found are red super-giants but since they called them old smokers, I’m inclined to think that they are. Also because they say that smoke contains much higher levels of heavy elements than is common in the region which would also be consistent with older stars. The article doesn’t say whether or not the stars puff out smoke on a regular schedule like Betelgeuse does, but then maybe they haven’t been watching them long enough to see a pattern yet.

    It does seem like they found a bunch of older stars that are pre-supernova, just like Betelgeuse is, and burping out clouds of gas and dust.

  • Now the representatives are abandoning their structure and tradition because the other side did, too.

    So the Democrats should just keep adhering to rules that allow the Republicans to block their every move despite the fact that the Republicans ignore those rules whenever they see an advantage to doing so?

    That foolish mindset is why we now have the judicial cluster fuck which is putting our very Democracy is at risk. We are in a fight for our lives and freedoms and you don’t go into such a fight with your hands tied behind your back. It is long past time the Democrats should have come out swinging.

  • You are right, but maybe not for the reasons you think. If it ever reaches a point where Trump is convicted and believes he is going to go to prison, he will probably kill himself. Narcissists are prone to suicide.

    Suicide risk is not rare in patients with narcissism, particularly in the context of severe narcissistic injury, where the patient feels shamed and/or vilified. In conclusion, narcissistic patients are difficult to treat, but the risk of suicide makes it imperative for clinicians to stay involved in the treatment and assist the patient in understanding their vulnerabilities.