• 93 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • Nope there was a survey recently, that showed a clear majority among Republican voters support Ukraine.
    Unfortunately that is not the case for Trump and the crazy MAGA crowd. And they are the ones running the show.
    Some of them are probably also delusional enough to believe Trump will help Ukraine with the peace plan Trump claims to have. Despite every sane person knows Trump will just demand Ukraine to yield, because they are not getting any more help.

    Of course the support for Ukraine is bigger among Democrat voters, but that doesn’t change that there also is a clear majority among Republican voters.

  • Buffalox@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlWhy do you still hate Windows?
    4 days ago

    Hate is a strong word, indifferent is more the word I’d use.
    And I’m indeifferent because I have used (GNU)Linux as my main desktop OS since 2005, and (GNU)Linux exclusively for the past 15 years. And now even games run fine on Linux, so to me it’s all benefits now.
    So it’s just that Windows and everything Microsoft is irrelevant now, except for a classic game I still play occasionally with my wife.

    Obviously the proprietary nature with all the problems that includes, was what motivated me to shift originally, and it is also the reason I don’t even want to dual boot Windows, not if it was free as in beer either.

    1. The joy of “figuring it out”

    No absolutely not, I used to be an IT consultant, but like most people I like things to just work, and Linux has done that for many years now.
    I do however like the freedom, and that I am not prevented from configuring my system like I want to. I remember Windows having the most ridiculous mechanisms to prevent me from for instance replacing something as banal as notepad as default/system text editor. Absolutely bullocks behavior by Microsoft IMO. I am very happy to have a system where I decide, and not some company that wants to lock me into their ecosystem.

    PS: I have never tried anything Windows beyond Windows XP. But boy did Vista and Windows 8 convince me that I did the right thing switching to (GNU)Linux. Almost everybody I know were absolutely pissed about both.

    Windows Vista was the most golden opportunity to buy expensive hardware for cheap, because it didn’t have drivers for Vista. Laughing my ass off about people who claim hardware lacks drivers for Linux, when it’s actually worse on Windows with every new release.

  • Buffalox@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlLinus Torvalds and Richard Stallman
    11 days ago

    I agree, the phrasing is bad, but that doesn’t change that if you read it carefully, the meaning is clear.
    There is absolutely no reasonable basis for claiming he is defending pedophiles, when what he does is the direct opposite, by logically proving that a common defense they use is invalid, because you can never claim to know participation is voluntary. It is per definition coerced.

  • Buffalox@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlLinus Torvalds and Richard Stallman
    11 days ago

    Everytime someone calls their system a Linux based OS and not GNU/Linux based OS downplays the work he put in.

    Absolutely, and the fact that people didn’t adopt it creates confusion, some people claim Android is also Linux, which you can argue, but it’s definitely NOT GNU/Linux, and it’s definitely NOT a free desktop OS as defined by freedesktop.org either. There’s a huge difference.
    Especially since Android generally means Android with Google apps, and not AOSP. AOSP is open source, but Android with Google apps is not.

  • Bragging how you didn’t read something is also ill-favoured here.

    WTF? Your shitty link to some private blog doesn’t work, but apparently you can’t make a proper response to the above.
    I just mention I couldn’t read it for completeness on my side.
    VC is not a tech term, you are being lazy and apparently don’t care about ambiguities in what you write.

  • The link you provide above stalls, so IDK what that is about.
    I don’t agree that AI is just a marketing term, although it probably is used in that way by many, it is not when it comes to Nvidia, who has the by far most popular hardware to drive AI software. And Nvidia is already making a lot of money on selling hardware for AI, and even lower tier suppliers claim the demand is crazy for AI hardware.

    VCs will get sick of setting money

    Do you mean venture capitalists? It’s very annoying to have to guess the meaning of a 2 letter acronym. For Christ sake how many meaning do you think VC has?
    What special contact do industry peons have with venture capitalists? That doesn’t make any sense. Also I don’t believe this is driven by venture capitalists at all.

    All the biggest companies like Microsoft, Google, Facebook etc are making huge investments in their own implementations, implementations that cannot even be finished this year because of supply shortages. This is not about upstarts, but all the biggest existing companies investing huge amounts of money. Upstarts funded by Venture capitalists are not even a blip on the radar.

    So saying 3 quarters is absolute bullocks, that doesn’t even cover NVIDIA’s back orders!

    this is a bubble fueled entirely by investors,

    Nope, there is actual crazy demand. But how crazy in the longer run remains to be seen.

  • I agree this increase is insane and without parallel AFAIK. It seems to be too good to be true, and normally that means it actually is too good to be true.
    It’s also hard to believe that Nvidia will be allowed to stay ahead in a market with such profit potential.
    But for 8 years they’ve not only kept their market advantage and profit margins. They’ve actually managed to increase both.
    I thought Nvidia was crazy when they made chips that yielded only one per wafer, I thought AMD would beat them with more agile chips at a fraction the price.

    So the question is when you call this a bubble, do you mean demand for compute will stop increasing as much as it is? Do you think AI will flop?

    In some ways I think AI already flopped somewhat from the initial hype of ChatGPT. But I do not think that will stop the race among companies to implement AI to keep up or stay ahead og the competition. It seems like AI is like a weapons race, and I bet it will go on for at least 5 years. Then if it turns out not to be the advantage companies hoped for, it will obviously slow down.

    But I think Nvidia has a few years of good running ahead of them yet.

  • Yeah people have been saying something along those lines since 2016. I admit I had no idea it could get to where it is now, but people called it insane when Nvidia passed a $100 around that time (before the split), and they called it doubly so when it passed $300 (still before the split). Now they are at $125 but with a split of 1:10 that’s comparable $1250! if you owned the stock prior to the split. An increase of 12.5X over 8 years!

    Nvidia has been boosted over several times first by crypto, then by (traditional) datacenters, and now by AI:

    I’ve been thinking this was a bit too much for about 5 years now, but the world constantly hungers for more computing power, and apparently Nvidia is the best company to deliver that.

    My bet was on AMD, because I thought they’d catch up to Nvidia (apart from taking market share from Intel). While AMD was still a good bet, Nvidia would have been way better.

    For 8 years betting against Nvidia has been the wrong bet. Maybe it’s finally at the end of the fairy tale, but I wouldn’t bet on it.

  • How is that even remotely relevant to Russia invading Ukraine completely unprovoked in 2014, and again in 2022?
    If you side with Nazi Russia, that’s your choice. But it’s self destructive and insane.
    Russia will now have poverty as the Soviet era, so in that way Putin will achieve his goal of bringing Russia back to the greatness of the Soviet Empire.

  • IDK if federations doesn’t work, I already wrote to another response that I use Bash.
    Since the Amiga in the 80’s I considered CLI windows and Shell as the same thing,because they kind of were on the Amiga, as there was only 1 shell, and a CLI window was also called Shell. But that was obviously a misunderstanding I just never got quite rid of.

  • Where did you sit your lessons on Finnish military capability,

    Please show me where I make just a hint about that, I have not written ANYTHING about the Finish defense capabilities.

    The reason I don’t care to go through all, is that it’s just to damned much.

    Yes EU is an actual defense pact, but it lacks structure and capability, because most countries have relied much on USA for the actual military muscle.
    This has been shown in our lacking ability to supply Ukraine without USA. Also EU unfortunately doesn’t include UK anymore, which would be the best militarily prepared country if they were in.
    EU is ramping up now, so we will be less dependent on USA. And I’m happy we have Finland and Sweden with us. (Denmark here)

    Before Russia invaded Ukraine, things were different, there was a strong effort for cooperation with Russia, which unfortunately they didn’t appreciate as we had hoped. So if by “before” you mean when Russia had not shown their true colors, I’d believe the 50/50 thing. The difference is the invasion. And after that it was certainly not 50/50, and it became clear the danger to Finland had increased too.

    The part of the Russian strategy I’m talking about, was exactly about Russia poking in places that was NOT Nato, but where they might have a chance to divide both Europe and NATO, and Finland could be such an area to poke.

    Obviously we are all standing much stronger now, because we have been strengthened both EU and NATO, and Russia has been weakened. But if Ukraine had fallen when USA didn’t support them much for 8 months, the situation could be way more dangerous than it is.