Very specifically, the fresh green you see on a forest hillside from a long way away just as the leaves start appearing in spring
Very specifically, the fresh green you see on a forest hillside from a long way away just as the leaves start appearing in spring
Have a look at VideoSubFinder, it does text recognition on video files and outputs clean images of the text - you can then use an optical character recognition program to convert those into text files
Self employed carpenter - depends on how you define “politics” but in general not much effect, people still want nice wooden stuff, but in more economical terms obv the worse the economy does the less spare money they have for them, and the more raw materials cost, and all of that is affected by politics
Can recommend the Air New Zealand sky couch - you book a slightly more expensive economy seat and get a whole row with a special footrest that folds all the way up flat turning it into a bed 👌
See: The Expanse
What a great and worthwhile use of huge amounts of power and water
Hey now, we’ve got some nice bits - they’re all the bits with no people in
I often get an error when uploading pics I’ve taken on my pixel - figured out it’s something to do with the motion capture thing it does to get the best shot, the way to fix is just crop the photo a little, that forces it to resave as a single image and then it works fine