• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Chef Wang’s Youtube channel is so awesome. His video “Making ‘Buddha Jumps Over the Wall’ for my uncle, and he is loving it!” is one of the most fascinating cooking videos I have ever seen (and I’ve seen a lot).

    The whole thing is done in an outdoor kitchen over the space of something like three days, with many ingredients (most of which I’ve never even seen before), elbows and pig’s feet and chicken and who knows what else, over mostly direct fire heat, in vats that take two people to lift. It’s masterful. Cooking, straining, recooking, chilling, combining, mixing, separating, you lose track. And somehow at the end it all makes sense and they’re sitting around eating a feast.

    It’s the kind of video that just sucks you in and you end up spending way more time than you ever intended to watching the whole thing. He has many more much shorter ones, and they’re all good, usually English subbed pretty well. I’ve never left one of his videos without having seen something I didn’t know before.

    I honestly wonder if this isn’t just regime goons harassing him because his videos are popular worldwide.

  • That’s an excellent explanation. The only problem is the presence of those of us who see adult consensual human sexuality as morally neutral: we’re never gonna buy it, and wonder why anyone would. I’m always encouraged when I see that “sex is sin” shit downvoted as the needlessly painful, divisive and hate -encouraging bullshit it is.

    If they truly believe in a Big God, and they believe that their Big God created human sexuality without the limits of expression they are convinced he wants placed on it by force, then they need to go pester their Big God for a Big Box to put it all back into because the rest of us just live here and they can seriously just fuck off with all that.

  • It’s people uncomfortable with female sexuality retreating back into the false madonna/whore dichotomy again. Unless a woman is very clearly one or the other, someone to worship or someone to hate, they get really upset.

    That’s exactly the kind of person this headline is crafted to attract, immediately juxtaposing the non-sexual purity of “mother” with the endless wanton sexual impurity of “whore” and causing both those mental images to clash, so people angry about sexuality in that way can click on it and hate her for not being one or the other and confusing their little heads. Clickbait rage, in other words. And it works.

    There’s also some crazy weird Freudian Oedipal shit all up in the whole idea too, but I can’t even begin to explain that so this is where I drop the link and walk away, lol.

  • Could you get into BookWyrm if it no longer required an account to view books?

    Oh yeah, absolutely. I used to like Goodreads and would linger on the site, but the reviews themselves started to get weird a couple few years ago and now I only go when I need a link. A Federated, open version of it (with effective but non-corporate moderation) would be great, because it would have the honest range of reviews Goodreads used to have, hopefully without corporate attempts at manipulating the content.

  • what brainless idiot is letting this happen

    I can’t begin to imagine, who could it be, there are so many Spezs* to choose from. I guess we will just never know.

    *Actually the entire board is rotten. We love to blame Spez (and he’s an incessant liar who deserves every last bit of contempt he gets – all while making comments about “landed gentry” while he profits off free content and moderator labor) but he’s just the public face on the entire board, who ALL just want to push through an IPO and then cash out. They do not care at all that it has destroyed the site, and because bots use API calls, they’ve known about the bots all along, and have openly used bots themselves. Sam Altman was a board member of Reddit for a while, and oh look, Reddit is used for AI training. Or was, until Altman left the board and then decided they wanted cash for that to continue.

    The entire board is shit.

  • McKenzie Scott

    Is absolutely a good person, but all the cash she’s giving away is cash that her ex-husband Jeff Bezos didn’t give away, and continues to make through truly repulsive anti-worker practices.

    When you are a worker at Amazon, you literally have to redirect your bodily functions (either hold it or find a jug) to even begin to meet the inhuman production standards, and that’s before you get to all the safety violations, unionbusting, etc. Then there’s Amazon business model itself: the open embracing of counterfeit goods, refusal to police its own site adequately, fake reviews, dark patterns, etc.

    MacKenzie Scott is indeed a good person. We know this because she found life with one of the world’s worst people to be unsustainable and left, and then set about giving away all that dirty cash to make the world a better place. But she doesn’t belong on this billionaire list, IMO, as she is simply a divorcée with a payout and secondary to the guy who actually made the billions.

  • I have nothing against AA or Goodreads, and have never heard of BookWyrm before today, but the main thing I use Goodreads for is providing a link for a publication that has accurate info (full correct name, correct name of author, date of publishing, ISBN, etc) that does not involve an Amazon or other sales link.

    But it won’t replace Goodreads for me, because of this:

    Write reviews or post casual commentary as you go, and control who gets to see your posts with granular privacy settings.

    From https://joinbookwyrm.com/

    It’s like Facebook for book reviews. I couldn’t even see a book myself because it’s all locked down. And like Facebook if you have to create a private account to use it I’d never go there anyway without seeing it first, or specific interest in what it offers. (I’m one of those rare never-Facebook people you sometimes see in the wild, lol.) If I had been unable to browse Lemmy before joining, I’d never have joined.

    Facebook overcame its initial participation hump by being .edu only, very exclusive, and word of mouth. They have coasted on that word of mouth factor ever since, because now it’s baked into the media and daily online life. But they couldn’t do it from scratch again today. So unless you unlock BookWyrm in some way, or its exclusivity becomes a major draw in itself, I don’t know how it will overcome that initial participation hurdle.

    I upvoted your post and absolutely support your goal in theory, but as someone who never joined Facebook, you could never get me to join a Facebook for book reviews, sorry.