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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • I wish it was so simple. Really it should be. A word can mean any number of things based on context or inflection but now i have to really be careful as to not offend. I feel like that’s a created thing.

    Obviously i say things in a friendly way or in a mean way and I feel like we are just going the “you can’t say that word” route. When it’s not the word, it’s the context.

    As such, yes anyone who finds that picture offensive falls into that group. It was also a great movie. Let’s dissect Spaceballs for racism next!

  • It’s funny how divided a topic this is.

    Could just be my area but the machines always fail in some way or another.

    Give me 10%off if I am doing the job of an absentee cashier… Always cool seeing many checkouts all decked out in gear with noone there to run them. Ever.

    OR, even better, use some decades old tech and spend a penny to put RFID tags on everything so I can just run my cart through and verify the list of stuff and click Yes, No, Maybe.

    Somewhat related… is it just me or are liquor stores the best at this? I never even stop moving and I’m out. Then i go next door to the pet store to grab some animal chow and I stand in line for 10mins because just one register of 6 is staffed.

    At least we can order everything online for the most part now.

  • They don’t care really. As has been my experience anyway.

    I once had my car window smashed, a mix of gear taken…some was expensive, some was personal to me. I felt violated. Called the police, explained, gave S/Ns to what I could, told them exactly who did it. He didn’t give a shit. Actually made me feel like I was wasting his time. I think Seinfeld covered this…

    “We’ll let you know if we find anything” “Do you ever find anything?” “No”

    But oh, my reg is out of date and the plate scanner picked it up? Boom, they really kick it into gear. So that’s $130… i could just go take care of the tags immediately with a friendly warning but now don’t even want to. And in the end I end up pretty fucked.

    If only they put that effort into other things I just might have gotten my linear power amps back. Props to anyone who knows that product.

  • That’s cool… 150k? Nice. I regret not getting one when i had the chance but I felt like it should had at least a small turbo. And i wasn’t overly confident with the aftermarket stuff. That said the gt86 platform is quite a base to build on.

    But yeah, i hate the trend of a big touchscreen to do everything. Sometimes i wonder if it’s just getting old but I really feel like the UIs are awful.

    Display is ok for GPS and maybe some audio but I certainly prefer standard tactile interface methods. You are right, dying breed. Enjoy your ride!

  • No no no you misunderstood me.

    I was being honest, I know nothing of rust. I have however used python in embedded systems with positive results. The product didn’t make it but for other reasons.

    Funny you mention java, that’s sorta what I’m stuck in but not like you think. Beyond the fact that it’s a bloated nightmare.

    I’m just a low-level programmer at heart but I have bills to pay. The rust stuff was all just a joke… i don’t know it but maybe i should. Thanks for the info.

    Saying anymore about what I do is just super embarrassing but i promise i meant no ill will. Excuse my frustration, I’m locked into a proprietary system i have no control over. You would laugh your ass off if you saw it. Anyway, i meant no offense, have a good night!

  • Hah thanks for clarifying. I was joking too and it’s a shame I couldn’t post the results.

    Though I admit i don’t know anything about rust. I’m sure I’d like it better than the proprietary garbage i use now that just gets converted to ASM / PLC code in the end. But I can’t skip the middle man. I’m not gonna try but probably 30mins for me to “write” the above.

    Besides, how do you make money if I can code something in an hour as opposed to 2 days?

  • Cihta@lemmy.worldtoMEOW_IRL@sopuli.xyzmeow_irl
    9 months ago

    This is how my cats look at me when the food bowl runs empty. Could be just a polite request for food, could be sizing up what the most edible parts of me are. I don’t know but i play it safe and refill.

    As it applies to this, I don’t know. But that cat is on about something

  • Cihta@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlHelp me choose a distro, please!
    9 months ago

    I have to agree with most people, arch is probably the way to go.

    But given the subject I’m gonna piggy back on you and ask about KDE Neon. This is what got me back into desktop Linux after installing it on an old crappy tablet.

    Now i currently run it on a couple older but upgraded AIOs and even my server that primarily does VMs.

    If i understand it’s a little more bleeding edge than people would normally like but I’m curious the community thoughts on it as i don’t hear much. Am I missing out not running arch or mint?

  • Cihta@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlWe're doomed
    9 months ago

    Interesting. Can relate having spent most of my life on a southern coast. One summer my parents shipped me to my uncle in Denver for a few weeks. One day we dropped by an air show. It’s summer and it’s hot (mid 90s or so) but you can’t feel it. People passing out was common enough it had an announcement.

    Cut to later that day and we are up in the mountains and I’m walking through a snow bank with the same T-shirt and shorts from earlier, perfectly comfortable.

    So yeah if it’s dry you can wear about anything… when it’s humid nothing seems to work be it hot or cold. If we are gonna change the climate here are my notes: I’d like 65-68degF and let’s say 45% RH. All day everyday. Make it so!

  • I’m gonna watch how your post is voted. I’ve gotten burned for that stance my entire life even though it’s perfectly logical.

    Don’t really get the idea you aren’t supposed to try stuff out without upfront payment. Slightly better now but meh.

    Don’t you worry though, any software I needed for business was all bought and paid for. I’m sure a few pennies got to the programmers / developers / artists that designed it. And i simply passed the cost on to my clients. Pretty obvious who wins here.

    Then again I don’t really get what this post is about, just replying to you.

    Edit: is qbitorrent still cool? I mean uTorrent was cool till it wasn’t. I never update it but I tried it out on Linux earlier this year and even with a VPN it leaked and i got a message from my ISP next day. That’s likely on me and bad settings but just checking

  • Appreciate that but now I don’t know how to reply without sounding condescending… dammit! :) but you know, if you go back to 1995 bad boys that was how i communicated. Years later i relocated and nearly got killed for pointing out a funny and quite justified slight at a certain NFL team.

    I’m not sure I have a point beyond stay trigger happy and call fuckers like me out! We all make mistakes and I have no problem being called out.

    Shit, i still sound condescending don’t I? It’s just hard not to after a while. I don’t know if it’ll be Linux worthy but hit me up if you decide to try out borderlands 4. We’d be happy to have a new player in the group.