A man of leisure living in the present, waiting for the future.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • No, my comment was providing more context, by pointing out that HRC, rhe source being cited by this BBC article, is not an unbiased source when it comes to matters regarding Israel, as detailed in the link I provided.

    It is highly relevant and not derailing at all, you just appear to hate on anyone who refutes your narrative.

    Casualties due to collateral damage and fog of war are quite normal in war, but HRC holds Israel to a different standard than every other Nation, is far more critical of Israel, and takes a lot of money from Qatar and sources that are very anti-israel.

    They are not a good source for information regarding this conflict unless you want your anti-israel preconceptions catered to, which it seems you do.

  • The rivalry continues to today, as detailed in the link it seems like you didn’t read.

    In March 2024, Hamas and its allied groups in the Gaza Strip criticized Abbas’ appointment of Mohamed Mustafa as the Palestinian Authority’s new prime minister following Mohammed Shtayyeh’s resignation. They issued a statement referring to the changes as “formal steps that are devoid of substance” and questioned the Palestinian Authority’s ability to properly represent the Palestinian people. In response, Fatah condemned Hamas as being itself disconnected from the Palestinian people and accused them of “having caused the return of the Israeli occupation of Gaza” by “undertaking the October 7 adventure”.
    Later that month, Hamas accused Fatah of sending security officers into northern Gaza in collaboration with Israel, saying it had arrested six individuals and were “in pursuit” of the others. The Palestinian Authority issued a statement refuting the claims by Hamas.