They could have been, I honestly have no idea. Not only has it been roughly a couple of months since I saw it, but I don’t think the person quoted was ever explicitly named.
They could have been, I honestly have no idea. Not only has it been roughly a couple of months since I saw it, but I don’t think the person quoted was ever explicitly named.
Unfortunately, I don’t. I remember seeing 2 articles immediately pop up when I searched for a link for my friend, but I couldn’t tell you what news sites they were and when I tried to find them again I had the same results as everyone else - I couldn’t find the articles about that quote, just generalized statements possibly implying it, at most.
It was back in December, though, after the election, and it came from somebody in his administration, not Trump specifically, which makes it harder to find. Especially with the ongoing flurry of anti-trans legislation being passed right now.
Except the article says that his visa was expired. So on the most stupid of technical levels, he broke the law because he overstayed on an expired visa. Something that deserves an annoyed “You should’ve renewed this earlier,” and that’s it, but enough of a technicality for the racists to legally ruin his life.
That’s not at all what they’re saying. I don’t know how so many people didn’t get this, but what they’re saying is, “Technically, he did break the law, but only at the most bureaucratic level that deserves basically a guy at the DMV shaking their finger sternly at you, and they’ll use this technicality to pump up their figures of how many ‘criminals’ they’ve arrested and send this guy who did nothing wrong to gods’ know where and ruin his life.”
They literally called him a hard-working family man.
They do, and they haven’t been quiet about it. Project 2025 has it all laid out, and it’s just the latest in a long line of these plans that they openly talk about. It’s just that nobody ever listens. They openly talked about how they made up the men in women’s bathroom thing to make people hate trans women. In 2015. There are 10 year old articles about how they made it up, and yet people are still freaking out about it.
I wish I could find one of the articles, because I sent a link of one to a buddy of mine who works with a trans girl who’s a MAGA idiot so he could show her what Trump thinks of people like us. But there’s a reason that he spews so much garbage every day, and it’s for this exact circumstance - to overwhelm and bury us in a constant stream of outrage.
I might be wrong (obligatory I am not a lawyer), but I think the laws either make it so that they can’t be considered as an accomplice to a crime like that, or they’re a corporation, which means that fines are really the only way they can be punished.
Either way, the arbitration clause, I believe, means that you can’t take them to court like that in any situation. An out of court settlement is your only option, except in the case of a class action lawsuit, which let’s them get a bulk deal on how much they have to pay out.
Yeah, at this point, I think the manual from WW2 on how to fight a fascist government through bureaucracy that’s been going around is probably more helpful than clogging up a freeway.
Inconvenience and hamper the ability to get everyday business done for these people. The people blocking the entrance to government agency offices have the right idea.
It’s not just blind hate, it’s a nation of under-educated racist bullies
Americans can shot each other as much as they want, good for them
Words have meaning, and when you say things like that, you lump us in with those scumbags. That’s exactly what the lunatics in charge want. Dehumanize us so the common person won’t care when they kill us. "Who cares if a bunch of gay people got shot? They were Americans, it’s their own fault for living in that shitty country in the first place. They all have guns, they should’ve shot first. "
There are plenty of us here who agree with you and are cheering you guys on because we want to gut the current government just as much as you do. I hope Canada hits us with tariffs, and I hope it hurts. Because maybe then these idiots here will wake up and realize what they’ve voted for. I doubt it, but I can hope.
No, I believe the argument they’re making is if someone else posts your private information on BlueSky (think Kiwifarms doxxing gay people and sending that info to Christian hate groups), and BlueSky moderation doesn’t take action against the account posting the info, and then somebody uses that information to find and attack you, then BlueSky is culpable in the attack because they could’ve done something, but didn’t.
A better example, I think, would be the recent issue with known transphobe Jesse Singal and his followers, who came to BlueSky around a month ago and immediately began posting bigotry and false info. When reported to the moderation team, they did nothing about it (he actually got banned by the auto-mod and then manually unbanned during that period, but that’s another story). If he were to do something like my example, posting a trans person’s private information online and telling his followers to harass them, and BlueSky did nothing to remove the posts or his account, then they’d be legally culpable for enabling anything that might happen to you. But under arbitration, you can’t sue them for it.
This just in: Hitler says generals won’t do anything “without our approval.”
Only that one in NYC where they arrested all those protesters years ago.
This is the HR division of the US government. EVERYBODY is affected by this.
Elected by a margin of 1.5% of the vote, in an election where 2+ million mail-in ballots were thrown out, with black voters’ ballots being 9 times more likely to have been thrown out, and where more than half of the voting public didn’t even care enough to bother to vote.
I’m saying have some damn empathy for us dirty American faggots and trannies who are likely to end up in a camp with no government to protect us - hell, a government that is actively hunting us down for sport.
Or do you call German Jews Nazis as well? After all, the Germans made a choice. Hitler was democratically elected, too, you know.
You sound exactly like the Republicans do when they talk about China, or immigrants, or black people, or…
Don’t buy anything American, urge every politician you can to fight against our government, anything and everything you can. But don’t victim blame those of us who did and are actively fighting against the monsters the bigots and the white liberal masses put into power. I’m hoping for NATO to come and save us, not gun us down in the streets for being American.
Not the Nazis, but the trans and bi and Jews and…
Or I guess we bi and trans Americans can go to the camps or get shot. Good to know we won’t have any aid from Canadians in fighting back.
Yes, it was 100% used in those words. “A genocide of trans people” was what somebody in his administration said.
Once they had the election, what little of the mask was left started to come off immediately. They have no reason to hide it any longer.
No, it’s part of a longer animation where he pulls the mag, racks the slide, checks down the chamber to examine the barrel and chamber for damage, then flips it to check it again from the other end, before putting the mag back in, and putting the now cleared gun onto one of the stacks.
Then he picks up a new one and begins the process all over again.
He actually shows pretty good gun handling during the whole thing. Even with the slide racked, the mag out, and the chamber checked and cleared, he still uses proper trigger discipline through the whole process. Flipping the gun is really the only “rule of cool” bit of the whole thing.
The whole thing is that he’s prepping 1911s for use to defend a tribe against an invading army. A lot of 1911s.
My point was that you can buy one gun, or help the community to either arm themselves or teach them how to. I figured a reference to Joshua Graham and his famous scene of checking guns forever would be picked up since the quote “We can’t expect God to do all the work” was a big meme for awhile.
The quote has been buried in all the anti-trans executive orders that have been passed in the past week. I tried looking for it as well, since I saw at least a couple of articles that had quoted it directly from somebody in his administration, but all you can find now are the executive orders banning trans people from the military, etc.
Did you know that for the past few years, the people of Myanmar have been fighting back against a genocidal apartheid government without any support from outside countries? They can get ammo and hobbyist 3d printers, but nobody is willing to send them any guns to use.
I’ll give you an acronym so you can try and guess the redacted word: PSR.
Buy a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he can feed a family for a lifetime. After all, many hands make for light work.
Edit: The quote and gif are a reference to a Fallout meme involving The Burned Man, who is sitting at a table with a pile of unchecked 1911s on one side and stacks of cleared pistols on the other.
The famous picture of Nazis burning books is a picture of the burning of medical research data and patient information from the German Institute for Sexual Wellness - the world’s largest research center on sex and LGBTQ people at the time and the first place to experiment with HRT for trans people.
It is exactly the same.