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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Oh, my preferred outcome for Ukraine is for Russia to pull out their troops, I’m very much for the fighting to stop in that manner. But that outcome is as likely as Israel just stopping oppressing Palestinians out of the blue.

    Israel isn’t going to stop their war on their own accord, just like Russia. And just like Russia even if there is a temporary cesefire they will keep the territory taken and try again in some time, that has been the history of both Israel and Russia.

    So the best outcome would be to give Ukraine the weapons they want to defend themselves because without those the war won’t end, Russia will just take Ukraine and they will get more mass graves of civilians and freedom fighters. I’m just sad Palestine doesn’t have a proper army that could be armed to defend Palestinians.

    The idea that advocating for a nation to be able to defend itself against an aggressor means you need to be on the front line is truly pants on head retarded though.

  • I guess you missed the link I provided: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elections_in_the_Soviet_Union

    During those elections you were voting for local party picks that all had the same instructions from the party. Who won had no effect on how things were run. The high ups in the party controlled how the means of production were used, not the workers. As you may recall from your own link factions in the party were banned meaning dissent got you ousted.

    Elections that don’t give workers any control over the means of production are meaningless and not socialism. How many times do I have to repeat this?

  • The Wikipedia article you started with had this info. The party was more interested with remaining in power and benefitting it’s members than the working class after Lenin. They banned any dissenting voice and cracked down on the working class. They became closer to a royal family in a monarchy with Stalin. And I do repeat that the workers had no control of the means of production after 1924, potentially even after 1921.

  • Are you saying that if the bolshevik party had 1% workers in it it would count as socialist even though the party had different class interests to the workers and workers had no control over the means of production? If the party was controlled by the workers there would be no need to violently put down mass worker protests.

    The assumption was made based on how insufferable some of your ad hominems were and contact with other people who talk like that. Work in effective local politics groups tends to mellow people like this out and makes them less pedantic.

  • What I wrote was that workers did not control the means of production, the party did. Having symbolic elections does not give workers any control.

    You should find a local political group that actually takes part in local politics, that actually has a chance of bringing about socialist policy. Political book clubs are largely useless and only good for mutual mental masturbation.

  • You know the anarchist group I’m part of had people like you join from time to time that seem more interested in reading, purity testing and just calling other members “bad lefties” instead of taking part in local politics which is our main goal. Calling me unserious while complaining about definitions takes the cake though.

    You seem to have misread it more. Yes, parties were banned but so were factions in the bolshevik party, elected city soviets and pretty much all groups outside the party. Meaningful elections happened only inside the party, the elections everyone took part in were for show, they gave no control to the workers. It’s all in that source.

    If you are interested in how elections were run in the USSR this is pretty much how I remember: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elections_in_the_Soviet_Union From what I remember the candidates you could actually vote for were party picks that would do the same thing anyways so your vote was merely symbolic. Over time people cought on to that and voter turnout crashed so hard the party started handing out exotic fruit to people who show up, I got my first orange that way.

    If you want to know what happened to the worker councils in the USSR read it here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Workers'_council

    Pat Sloan probably took part in an election before Stalin, as I previously said, the election process after Lenin was very different. So, yea one dissenting historian.