• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


    1. Get banned for made-up reason X in publicly viewable modlog, without right of reply or recourse.
    2. Get doxxed and username tied to your real world name.
    3. Doxxers send screenshot of you being banned for X to employer.
    4. Employer fires you for irresponsible use of social media.
    5. Sue for libel and damages (lost revenue from prematurely terminated employment). Chance of winning probably zero, but a bored no win no fee lawyer, or someone with too much time/money won’t care about that.

    All quite implausible, but why any mod would take the risk when a generic reason will suffice or simple insult would suffice is beyond me.

    It’s similar amateur hour shit here on kbin. You can ask to have your account deleted, but it won’t happen. If I was a dickhead, I could file a GDPR complaint. You only need to rub one arsehole the wrong way, to open yourself up to a whole load of entirely unnecessary bullshit.

  • Here’s the thing: no one’s going to do anything about it, but technically this may amount to libel.

    On reddit you’re banned via private message, so no one knows why you’d been banned, even if the reason is bogus. If someone accuses you of something in a comment, you can defend yourself. You have the right to reply. But in the fediverse you’re banned and if the mod does it for a made-up reason, that false reason is publicly viewable in the modlog without you being able to do anything about it. They’ve maliciously damaged your reputation without any recourse, right to defend yourself / right of reply.

    Now imagine at one point OP’s username is linked to their actual name. An employer does a google, finds they’ve been banned for homophobia. Some arsehole doxxes OP, and sends a picture of their being banned for homophobia to their employer. They’re fired for allegedly being homophobic on social media. At that point, a good lawyer could potentially prove libel and damages caused. OP’s clearly annoyed by all this. Now imagine someone with too much time and money on their hands.

    It’s real amateur hour shit. Sure being sued for libel is incredibly unlikely, but there are only downsides to not erring on the side of caution with stuff like this. Want to ban someone? Make up a generic or non-defamatory reason, or simply call them a dickhead, and go on with your day.

    Stuff like this, the failure to respect GDPR/Privacy and NetzDG laws, a failure to properly deal with CSAM material… it’s a ticking time bomb under the whole fediverse.

  • Vietnam is a unitary Marxist-Leninist one-party socialist republic, one of the two communist states (the other being Laos) in Southeast Asia. Although Vietnam remains officially committed to socialism as its defining creed, its economic policies have grown increasingly capitalist, with The Economist characterising its leadership as “ardently capitalist communists”. Under the constitution, the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) asserts their role in all branches of the country’s politics and society. The president is the elected head of state and the commander-in-chief of the military, serving as the chairman of the Council of Supreme Defence and Security, and holds the second highest office in Vietnam as well as performing executive functions and state appointments and setting policy.
