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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • As I said to people I know, fun. I have fun setting this up. Its a hobby. I like to search for bargains and build the automations. If you don’t have fun doing it, its usually not really worth it. It gets expensive quick and its kind of a lot of work to research and setup if you want to keep your privacy.

  • Je sais que tu relates le raisonnement du gouvernement et pas ta position, mais je voulais faire une reponse à ce genre de commentaire.

    Aider les gens à se déplacer rend ta population plus flexible. Les gens peuvent se trouver des emplois a des endroits où ils ne pouvaient pas avant. Ça donne beaucoup plus de pouvoir de négociation aux employés puisque ça leur donne accès à des emplois qui leurs étaient inaccessibles. Pour les employeurs qui recherchent de la main d’oeuvre qualifiée, ça leur donne accès à un plus grand bassin de main d’oeuvre.

    Voici un rapport de l’APTA qui mentionne un ROI de 5 pour 1. C’est excellent pour l’économie d’investir dans ça.

    L’argument de créer des jobs qui paieront des impôts nest pas génial non plus. Si ça valait la peine, aussi bien créer plein de jobs bidon pcq ils vont payer de l’impôt! La réalité c’est que bien souvent le gros de ces subventions vont dans les poches des propriétaires et on ne revoit jamais la couleur de cet argent. En plus, si on investi cet argent là dans le transport en commun, lui aussi va créer des jobs qui vont payer des impôts. La seule variable différente c’est les profits qui disparaissent.

    Là où je suis plus en faveur c’est que c’est OK de financer quelques industries qu’on veut kickstart, ce qui est le cas ici. Tu en fais mention dans ton commentaire, l’effet de spécialisation est important. Par contre, à mon avis, ça devrait se faire en échange de parts dans ces entreprises.

  • You present western media as a single monoblock. It isn’t. Even a single media is not a single coherent unit. Every journalist has his/her own voice since, contrary to China, we don’t lock people up for voicing their opinion. Everyone can do investigative journalism. There are correspondants in most countries, when information comes up, it is verified as much as possible with people living there. When we talk about investigative journalism, the information is verified and usually corroborated by the other independent medias. If a media realize that the government propaganda doesn’t match with reality, they can publish the story without retaliation. Not only that, but they would have quite the story and they will be quite happy to publish it.

    You seem unfamiliar with all this, do you have free press where you live?

    Equating Western propaganda (and yes it exists) with Chinese authoritarian state is precisely a China apologist attitude.

    I replied because I wanted to. The fact that I replied doesn’t have anything to do with your ability to convince people.

  • JC1@lemmy.catoLinux@lemmy.mlShould I switch to Wayland?
    11 months ago

    On my surface go 3, I used pop os at first and the screen tearing was so bad that I stopped using it. I then changed for arch with gnome on wayland and everything works much better.

    Though, for my main computer, I recently switched my main OS from Windows and went for Hyprland on Arch. I love it. Most applications run fine. Though I have a 3080. This means that most electron apps are very slow, almost unusable. Also, some applications just refuse to open, notably Plex. For jellyfin, half the time the screen is black and I need to restart the app. I also have a KVM switch that I use for my work computer. When I switched to it and came back, I got a red screen of death for which I had to exit Hyprland and get back to SDDM to log back in. I was able to start and play games though. Global shortcuts didn’t work easily (feature, not a bug), so I want to use a support app for Path of Exile. Impossible on Wayland. And finally, I tend to use a screenshoting tool. Flameshot isn’t available on wayland so I used snappy, but it doesn’t freeze the frame, rendering it useless.

    Now I switched over qtile in X11. Everything works fine, electron apps are much more snappy. Most importantly, the WM doesn’t crash when I use my KVM, so my sound device works perfectly. The only issue I’m facing is the audio, there seem to have a very small delay (I’m using pipewire).

    The only thing that I miss now is a way for me to assign an audio output to an application so that if I close the application it even restart my computer, that assignment is still remembered. Currently I have a tool that does that that I autostart with my WM, but it doesn’t redirect the audio, it just adds the other assignment without removing the default audio output.

    There you go, wayland is not recommended if you have a nvidia GPU, even though it still works.

  • Yep, best thing ever, I bought a GaN charger, 100W 3 USB-C and 1 USB-A. It’s small and light. I carry it around everywhere. I even bring it at my client’s office instead of the power brick they gave me since it’s so small.

    Just make sure you have plenty of wattage. For instance, my job laptop uses a 65W adapter. If I want to charge this at the same time as my phone, I would need at least 90W to cover everything (65+25). So I have more power than necessary In order to be able to charge everything at once. Also, make sure to. Heck the adapter on how it distributes power trough the ports. My configuration could not be supported on a 3 port if for example they decided to split the power 55+45. But mine is 65+35 with 2 ports so I’m fine.

  • It’s not a bad service, their workflow is restrictive, but I think it is a good workflow though. Their goal is to make their user change the way they approach emails.

    It’s ambitious, but I won’t blame them. It showed me a way to manage emails that I didn’t know before though and I adapted it for my needs.

  • I’ve tried Hey, it’s nice, but you’re stuck with their workflow.

    I decided to reproduce their workflow inside of Fastmail. Worked well and now I adapted it for my needs. Something I couldn’t have done with Hey.

    Even today, I’m exploring Proton and I’m finding that some basic features offered by Fastmail are not available in Proton. The idea of encrypted emails is nice, but I’m not sacrificing some features that I use.