I’m old. I’m depressed. I’m gay. I like Star Trek. Kill me?

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I don’t think you will heal and honestly I don’t think you deserve to. America as a country hasn’t really been a force for good. For yourselves or for the world. Also I want to point out that what I’m about to say about America is me talking about the country as a whole. I’m not talking about the people in it, I’m talking about the opinions, decisions and foreign presence of the country. A lot of the time people mistake criticizing a country for criticizing its voters. While the voters have a part to play, and a big one, that’s not necessarily who I’m talking about here. If I say “you” I also just mean the country, not you curious_illusions or you the voter. I’m Canadian so that also should be said I guess. Just FYI.

    It requires enormous profits, enormous social pressure, or literal wars to get America to move its opinion on fucking anything. And I’m talking about since it’s inception. America is idiotically stubborn and refuses to take in any new points without glacier like movement in the status quo. Moreover, if you could diagnose a country with personality disorders, America would have Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The entire world has to be related to the country in some fashion. America has outright invaded foreign countries for no valid reason. I’m not talking about “WMDs in Iraq”, although that is valid, I’m talking about the constant invasion of foreign democracies to install dictatorships that are sympathetic to America. Supplying arms to foreign insurgents because their de-stabilizing the government is beneficial to America. Nuking a country twice and then imposing its will so heavily that this country ends up adopting the US Constitution (granted, tweaking it to suit them, but still). Or overthrowing dictators because it believes that America has the right to police the planet.

    Actually the policing the planet thing is something else entirely. The world that gets used often about that is “America has the obligation to do so”. Why? No one asked you. Is it because you have the worlds biggest military in some big-truck-tiny-dick syndrome but in Country form? The obligation only comes from the narcissism of putting yourself in a position where the world has to listen to you. The constant psychotic levels of pressure that America puts on foreign countries because it doesn’t align with American values. And I mean values. Sure, a lot of it is often done because profits, but a lot of it is straight up done over values. America threatened to impose heavy trade restrictions with Canada when we wanted to legalize weed in the 90s. Closing the border I get if the drug is illegal in the US, but trade restrictions? Another example of American Imperialism.

    So by now, if you’re still reading this at all, you’re probably wondering what the absolute hell this has to do with your original point of the country healing. This is my point. You can’t. All of that shit I listed above (and way more that I had typed out and deleted) is directly because of one extremely simple thing. You’re too big and have too many people. It’s ended up with everyone willingly dividing themselves into regional groups with heavily entrenched positions. People from the north just don’t get people from the south. The opposite is true. People from the East Coast don’t quite get people from the West coast. The opposite is true. You’re all holding knives and then decided to cram up under one umbrella, the Federal Government. A government that cannot rule for the people because the people have schizophrenia. Republicans and Democrats are not compatible and never really have been. The people, as a whole, cant decide on anything collectively while the people, collectively, are fucking dying. You’re killing each other through crass social policies, literal mass murder, and deprivation of medical assistance. The only thing you have in common is a paradoxical patriotism for the country none of you can agree on!

    America needs to split into multiple countries. 2, 3, 5. Whatever. This just can’t keep going. You’re going to eventually destroy yourselves, and considering the utterly unnecessary size of that tiny-dick-syndrome military, the rest of the world in the process.

  • Oh no, I understand perfectly. The issue is that your comment isn’t related to mine.

    I said “We should all do our best to comment on various posts that have no engagement to encourage others to engage.”

    You then whined with “Yeah but I don’t like astroturfing.”

    Two completely different factors. One is a genuine engagement with social media. The other is not.

    The only other possible thing you argue that you were trying to say here is that the posts that have been astroturfed from reddit aren’t worth commenting on. A genuine point that one could make. However you didn’t make that point.

    Not going to continue this conversation when it started on braindead circumstances and is somehow still going downhill. Goodbye.