Also the FBI took signal to court and the only data they could provide was the date of signup and last login timestamp
Served in the Krogan uprisings. Now I run a podcast
Also the FBI took signal to court and the only data they could provide was the date of signup and last login timestamp
That was an interesting read. Thanks for sharing
Have you tried electrum ?
Maybe just ask them if they have read anything interesting lately ?
I wonder how long it will be until they see elected representatives as inefficient. 🙄
These happened on different years but a really close friend died, one of my grandfathers died and my childhood dog died
I dont. I dont give a shit about it, marketing is designed to manipulate you into buying more shit you dont need.
That being said I still dress well, opting for non branded stuff as I dont want to be a walking advertisement and I would rather spend the money on experiences.
I chose to buy stuff that goes with a lot of things so I can maximize value. Neutral colors that can be combined in a variety or ways. I also look for stuff I could wear for both work and day to day settings.
They should threaten to leave the UK in response.
Get some plants to fight them
It just keeps getting more and more absurd.
😄 You got me. I didn’t even realise I wrote it incorrectly as I’m on mobile and just did it in a rush.
I’ve corrected the mistake and will now commit seppuku for the shame I have brought upon my family.
Tell me you’re an idiot …
I would just upload it to chatgpt and get it to tell you. If you have it in a standard file and it doesnt contain any sensitive info.
Otherwise you will have to code something to go through the data and analyze it
Good to know. I always liked #!
I have something similar . I have WG on the host to access my services and gluetun in a container using openvpn for specific services.
In my case I have the host wg pass through connections to the outside via iptables rules but I’m not forwarding the connection to gluetun. I have the ip of my server as my ip.
In your case as you want a commercial vpn ip as your exit ip you would need to use iptables to pass traffic between the 2 networks .
Puppy or Debian with openbox or another light wm , is crunchbang still a thing ?.
Kill them with fire
Nestle needs the Luigi treatment
No issues at the moment but need to update a few containers when I get the chance. I also need to set up contacts sync in radicale for the address book and integrate it with Thunderbird and davdroid.
In the near term I’ve been working on a plan to make sure my keepass db is accessible to my SO and family in the event of my demise. I recently lost a dear friend and had to gain access to his stuff for his family, luckily he didn’t have the linux partition encrypted so I got a recovery shell then remounted the disk and changed the password and could then also mount the windows partition once I logged in.
It made me think as all my stuff is encrypted and there is no way someone would guess it nor crack it so I’m writing documentation and leaving it with family members.
The documentation explains how to use keepass and who to contact for support. Im leaving the db with family members and the password with a select few people that dont have the db. My SO will have access to all the info too.
I’ll update the db periodically and give them a newer version but keep the same password
I encourage you all to consider this too.
Probably best to ease into it when the financial infrastructure is in place and has matured and there is someone less reckless at the helm in the US. Right now no one wants to deal with McDonald Trump’s tantrums