• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • Slavery in the US before the civil war didn’t happen in a vacuum. There were slaves in the south that didn’t consume anything, producing goods that in a large part were exported to britain. And the money from that was used to buy more slaves and land. But some of it was used to buy goods and expertise from the north that the slave economy was lacking, which in turn drove industrialization in the north.

    But i stand by my point that over time the artificially low prices due to slave labor causes outflows of money from the rest of the world, depriving workers in other countries of money/wages and causing them to spend less. So all those slaves would overproduce things that there isn’t demand anymore and it’s still worse for the rich fucks than if they had paid slaves a fair wages.

    Just to be clear, I’m not saying such a system can’t exist or work, just that in the long run it’s worse for everyone, even the rich who thrive on exploiting poor people.

    Sadly the billionaire class don’t seem to understand this and there’s not much to do other than teaching them by force every 50-150 years.

  • Well, profitable in the short term. If the lowly peons don’t have money because you took it all, they cant spend it on stuff from your factories and your profit goes down and everything grinds to a halt. of course you can try to sell it to other countries, which fucks over their economies and makes them more susceptible to populism/facism (well after an initial phase of excitement over those sweet cheap imports) and then it’s facism all around and everyone is fucked. You just need to plan it well enough so you’re on your private island/mars colony with robot butlers by that point

  • ‘Programming from the ground up’ the main idea of this one is to teach programming in a bottom up way, so very low level.

    it’s mostly about teaching (linux) assembly to beginners, so in a was it is just learning a new language. But it’s mainly about understanding low level how a computer works, like registers, kernel calls, how function calls are handled, all for beginners. It’s really easy to pick up.

    Knowing those fundamentals can go a long way in understanding other computing concepts.

  • I always thought the Mer de Glace at the Mont Blanc illustrates this really well. You arrive and there’s a sign “the glacier was here in 1910” and that’s where tourists back then.

    To get to the actual glacier, you have to eall down many flights of metal stairs for about half an hour and there’s several signs for different years, 1950, 1990, 2002, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2014, 2015, something like this, with the years between each sign getting shorter but the distance staying roughly the same. And from the top it’s really far away.

    Of course, once you actually reach the glacier, you get to the main attraction, a 3m diameter tunnel they bored 100m deep into it as a tourist attraction with ice sculptures inside. Above the tunnel you can see the remains of the tunnel from the previous year, half melted…

  • there’s a lot of stuff you can do, and you can end up with something usable, though not great, at least not in my experience. NVidia’s drivers are to blame, they don’t really work well with opengl and have lots of issues (and also regressions).

    The 550 beta driver is ok-ish, steam flickers but I can play games. Drivers before 535 also somewhat worked, though it really depends on your GPU.

    But I don’t think you will have it working acceptably without some work.

    Here’s some pointers on stuff to try:

    • check protondb for how other people got games to work, you can filter by your GPU.
    • try running through gamescope or gamemoderun
    • try the modeset=1 (and maybe fbdev) kernel parameters for nvidia drm
    • and there’s tons of env vars and other things that can help, I couldn’t summarize them all here, but as a pointer: XWAYLAND_NO_GLAMOR=1, WLR_RENDERER=vulkan, LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME=nvidia, GBM_BACKEND=nvidia-drm (for the drm above), __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=nvidia
    • try the beta drivers, if those are available somehow (I’m on arch so they were easy to install), or just different driver versions in general.

    The above is meant more as hints than something to copy paste, so use at your own risk. You can of course always just install a second DE with X11 and log into that for gaming and use your regular DE for everything else

  • I think it’s for many different reasons, but a bit the same as everywhere. Some are protest votes due to a distrust in government in general, then 35-45 is the age most get kids and in contrast to their parents generation they live in apartments, not single family homes, as houses aren’t affordable. Then there’s the general widening of the wealth gap and the populists pretending they have a solution and blaming it on immigration (while themselves being a big reason for the problem in the first place…), while left parties often get tricked into reacting to right rhetoric, letting the right dictate the discussion. Old people are less affected by the wealth gap, young people don’t have kids so they don’t notice yet. And in it’s also a question of mobilizing ones base, the right parties get a ton of money for ads and so on, they are good at stirring up fears of existential threats(which is ironic given the real existential threat of climate change), while a lot of people are disillusioned, so middle aged left voters are less likely to actually go vote whereas more right voters do. Of course <30 voters worry more about climate change and are more motivated to go vote, since they’ll be the most affected by its effects.

    I’m sure there’s many more reasons but these are the first ones I can think of off the top of my head.