• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • This what? These people are religious fanatics so self absorbed in superstition and nonsense that they will literally blow themselves up and kill a bunch of people just out having breakfast because they don’t like the hours of operation one group sets for a pile of rocks some other group wants to visit on one day but not on another day. It is their utter lack of empathy and rationality that makes them evil pieces of shit. They aren’t fucking freedom fighters standing up for innocent people. They are morons who want religious control over their own people and every other person, absolute male domination of women in society, minority rule, and the ethnic cleansing of Jewish people from the middleeast.

    With the support of useful idiots as you, of course.

  • I mean, reading the article, seems like the three people the UN charged with leading the investigation already have their minds made up. One of them said Israel should be kicked out of the UN. Obviously, Israel isn’t going to let that guy hang around.

    Not sure how I feel about this story. Victims and people’s stories need to be put on the record as soon as possible. I’m not sure we will ever get to the truth of things, though. Israel is always going to say they were striking a tunnel or striking Hamas members. And Hamas and the Palestinian Authority is always going to say the victims were just civilians and that there were no tunnels in the area.

    Hamas and the Palestinian strategy is one of human shields and martyrdom. If they ever admit that the deceased are members of Hamas, or that they really did build tunnels that open up into the basements of hospitals and elementary school, they lose that sympathy and credibility.

    But those tunnels didn’t build themselves. The 3,000 Iranian-made rockets Hamas launched at Israel on October 7 didn’t carry themselves over the border from Egypt and into the tunnels.

    Neither side is credible. I find Israel more credible though in light of some of these facts.