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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • Lol. Check your privilege.

    A. Do a carbon footprint analysis of your life, if it’s above 2,5 tons coe/year you’re a net burden on the planet. My country is as well, although considerably lower than the US.

    B. It is possible for you to be a paragon of environmentalism and still live in a country with inefficient systems for water, infrastructure, zoning, industry and food production. Not to mention live in a culture of unsustainable lifestyle. Many Chinese or Indian persons are simply too poor to have a major impact on the environment, but their national industrial practices drive up the average pollution to levels comparable to the US (although still lower). Most US people aren’t as poor, and also have shitty industry standards, and also the means to change that without losing your standing internationally.

    C. Multiple countries are shitty, in fact most of the non-developing world countries are a net burden.

    D. As opposed to the other countries at the top, the US has had the economy, data, and access to resources to be able to something about it for generations, whereas most have had half the time and considerable need of modernising.

    E. The US is much larger than the other countries, and could with quite simple measures make great impact and help pressure other great polluters.

  • It’s always worthwhile to learn new things!

    And programming is a tool, so it’s typically made to be clear how to use it, although of course people will differ on what needs to be clarified the most.

    My experience is that there’s way too much discussion in what tool to pick, it doesn’t matter that much and almost all of the common languages will allow you to do all the things. And even though some will be better adapted for certain applications, it’s easy to pick up the new tool when relevant, and you’ll be that much ahead by being well versed in one.

    As for how to learn, I find that you kind of need to figure out the basic syntax in each language (loops, conditionals, output, memory management, typology, lists, function calling, maybe classes/libraries if you’re fancy), and then start doing projects.

    A nice intro for C# is the C# Player’s Guide by R B Whitaker, using some gamification and storytelling to get you through the basics, and even leave you prepared to tackle your first projects (by practicing design philosophy, how to break down projects, etc).

    Otherwise, Python is a lot of fun, it’s made to be very easy to jump into, and then it’s fully featured to do anything you’d like it to. Unfortunately all my resources for it are in my local language, but it has many many users so I’m sure there’s great resources to be found in your own language.

  • Thanks for linking!

    But lol, that is such an obviously biased report with vague eyebrow waving suggestions that immigrants are to blame for everything.

    None of the charts or trends they present are consistent in their effect, haven’t controlled for anything (the major point is lowered GDP per capita while immigration spiked five years ago, but the Brexit drop started well before then, and the exodus of specialist EU-migrants isn’t even mentioned), and don’t actually say anything except look at this red line next to a thing getting worse.

    CPS is why you should view every “Think tank” as a lobbyist organisation, and their materials as sales flyers…

  • Wow, this is a useless editorial.

    No link to the report, unclear if the report takes into account years since migration (it takes time to learn language, develop networks, and climb ladders), some indication that the trouble is that migrants end up in low paying jobs (which of course would decrease GDP), and no comment on the fairly obvious question on what the integration policy says about time frames.

    Also, it puts all of the post-Brexit decline at the door of the immigrants, which seems ridiculous.

    This reads like a hit piece from conservatives in preparation for election season.