Archer did nothing wrong
As an Archer fan… bwahaha. He knew it was wrong, there’s too much dialog around suspending moral codes and the like.
Eg one of my fave episodes Harbinger:
PHLOX: Captain, this man is dying a painful death. To keep him conscious is unethical.
ARCHER: Until I get the answers I need, we’re going to have to bend a few ethics.
PHLOX: Very well, I’ll do what I can.
DAX: I hope you’re not holding back because I’m a woman. If it makes things any easier, think of me as a man. I’ve been one several times.
think of me as a man. I’ve been one several times.
We could do this all day, I just reached for this example because of my recent run Gowron of episodes 🖖
Oh, this definitely includes Renegades 👌
Yes, we see TPol reading the new rediscovered teachings of Surak, demonstrating the spread in new ideas
We also see the Vulcan ambassador standup for being a “deviant” and ultimately prevail, demonstrating a shift in attitudes.
The Vulcan arc was one of the most strangely satisfying because:
If you do that you miss much of the best Trek villains:
Kai Wynn and Gul Dukat
They are part of reason folks are advising you to hang in there.
But ultimately just enjoy it and skip any episode that is boring you; if you make it halfway you’ll probably want to watch the few relevant ones you skipped.
p.s. Buckle up 🖖
Enterprise all the way.
It starts strong with lots human/vulcan conflict and then eases into 2 seasons of TNG-style adventures.
Season 3 is an imperfect masterpiece that ultimately delivers some incredible episodes. This is where Enterprise comes into its own.
Season 4 is more like a collection of 3-parters that sees the crew touch on all the lore they missed in the first 3 seasons. Satisfying but a different vibe.
Highlights include:
Low points include:
Data, Mozilla has issued a ruling. You are the property of Firefox. You can not opt-out.
Came here to mention La Sirena from Picard.
Hologram bridge crew with fully hologram passenger quarters, the introverts starship par excellence 👌
Quick someone animate it for the masses, for the children, for me!
It’s a matter of opinion of course, but to me Picard 1/2 suffers the same malady as S31: “all we need is a big star to sell our franchise”
Season 3 felt to me like the owners of the franchise desperately trying to salvage the final season from Patrick Stewart’s meddling.
As for Kirk’s stories you’re right he’s done if not already overdone, at least as a main character. Who knows how he may work as a supporting character 🤷♀️
TIL what Second Window is 🧐
We know Riker plays for keeps; Quark owes him platinum and tried to foist gift cards on him for payment.
We know the TNG poker games would also raise the stakes; Crusher challenges Riker, LaForge, and Worf to bet shaving their beards that one time.
We know that gambling lingo is still commonplace, even though Mariner doesnt know other slang from our era (eg what a pinup poster is)
I want to say that gambling never left and it makes me realize we’re sorely missing a proper heist episode. With Quark 👌
If Kirk is going to come back, it has to mean something. It has to be the show. But I was so impressed by this writer, so I said let’s talk after I’m done in Vancouver.
He had me in the first half, but thankfully this doesn’t sound like another vanity project ala Picard S1/S2 🤞
And in future news 😉
It’s not important, I just allowed myself get worked up over an annoyance. Sorry to show up with a sloppy rant, I’m grateful to be a guest here ✌️
Ya you’re right. Just seeing it in chart format triggered an some kinda emotional response and I just sorta vomited a reply. Sorry about that.
I just came for a good time and I’m having one, even if it’s not perfect.
I appreciate the transparency, but fucking hell, are we pariahs?
Recently I wanted to make a comment, but I wasn’t logged in (I clicked a link that took me to a different instance and did not realize it).
I came back here , searched for the community, I sort by new to find the post… and it’s gone.
The irony is that I wanted to reply to some guy dunking on how our instance is a ghost town (was gonna reply with a pic of the Q Continum and joke that not all ghost towns are as they seem)
But since that moment a few days ago I am noticing it constantly.
Sucks feeling like Ro and LaForge being out of phase with the enterprise majority of the fediverse. It’s really taken the wind out of my sails the last few days.
Crestfallen rant aside, I’m a coder by day I would like to know if I can offer any generic technical help (I don’t know lemmy, but maybe I can help debug the issue 🤷♀️)
Again thanks, sorry if I’m coming off angry I’m just disappointed and using your comment to get it out.
I have no idea, but I hope so haha
Buffertime episode was the one where I became hooked.
The show consistently delivered until the very end, at least for me.
My only petty gripe is when I recently rewatched an episode: Riker comments about seeing Archer and the gang in the holodeck and now that I’ve seen ENT…I don’t want to be reminded of the finale. I told you it was petty!
5 seasons and a movie, make it so!
Our boy doesn’t hold back and I’m here for it!