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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • I think you might be misunderstanding my intent. I agree lol there really is no question, which is the better option.

    Some people still might vote independent, or they might want to vote independent, but rather vote Democrat because they feel if they don’t, they’re not helping to fix the problem.

    This is common in Canada as well. Having a ranked ballot or some sort of choice voting system would allow people to pick a primary or secondary choice in the event that their first pick doesn’t have enough votes. That way, a vote wouldn’t be left out, and everyone gets a say regardless of their first pick.

  • Canadian here.

    I am not looking forward to this very much. If Trump gets into power, our local politicians are going to crank it into overdrive. They already pander to that demographic, so it’s just going to get worse. Not nearly as bad as in America, but nobody wants to live under bad leadership and have their safety taken from them.

    I don’t really understand how we got to this point. But it just seems like all these grifters came out from the woodwork and are just being crazy in plain sight with no consequences now.

    I’m sure they were always there, but I don’t feel like it was nearly as bad as it has been. Maybe it’s just recency bias clouding my memory, but like… dang.

    I would love to see some sort of ranked ballot voting or other method of voting come into place for every democracy. No vote should go to waste because of having to pick between the lesser of two crappy choices.

  • This is it here. Please keep your expectations low lol


    It’s not amazing by any means. I’m basically mostly just messing around with streams and shorts recently as they’re much faster to make.

    (I hope this doesn’t come off a spammy as I mention my channel from time to time. It’s basically just a little hobby right now. My goal is to just currently keep improving. My childish dream would be to eventually just be able to live off of it and just be able to bring together a cool community of people. But I’m not holding my breath haha.)

  • I’m sooooo close to getting a week off work. Just trying to hang in there. It’s funny how a persons focus wavers when they know a break is coming.

    I have been making some small progress with my youtube/livestream channel. I’m up to 54 subscribers, which feels like I’ve moved at a snails pace since September. But I’m picking up some steam, in the past while so that’s super cool. I think my videos are bad lol but given the amount of time I can actually work on stuff during the week, I think I’m actually doing alright. I’m hoping that eventually, I’m able to find a solid direction of where I want to take my videos. But for now I just want to make stuff that is fun/ that can make people happy in even just a small way

  • I feel the same about my own issues and troubles. Just wana stop by and tell you that your issues are valid. Even though there’s always bigger fish out there. Your issues and feelings are valid and sometimes life is just unfair and fucking hard.

    I hope that this can help even a little bit. I try to tell myself this sometimes, but I find it hard to take it to heart unless I hear it from someone else. Hang in there! I hope your week shapes up and gets better

  • I agree. I think this is spot on. It’s the context. If I see Russians traveling around right now, I assume they are traveling to avoid the war, but aren’t against it happening. I feel like with these videos, it’s always the Russians that are puppets to their government. Never the ones that oppose the war.

    Russians that legitimately want nothing to do with their government/ want peace are cool though.

    This video seemed like she was lacking an outside perspective. She says she’s seeking a calmer place to live, but it sounds like she doesn’t understand the context that everyone else has. Everyone is eyeing Russians right now because nobody wants a bunch of warmongers moving into their country. I’m not saying all Russians are like that, but nobody knows if a person is or not. So they’re making quick judgement

    I’m not sure how it is in Mexico/south America but I know in Canada we have a cultural melting pot, but people bring their past quarrels with them into the country. So you have a bunch of people living in Canada that will occasionally fight each other because of what Is happening in their original countries. Nobody wants to deal with that

  • If I may chime in, I believe you’re both correct in your own ways. Russia is being controlled through very “in your face” propaganda. America also, in many ways, is very controlling and also gets away with its fair share of atrocious behavior.

    In my opinion, it’s a spectrum or a big circle. Instead of being “left or right”, they both circle around to their own variation of authoritarianism.

    (although I would say the USA is slightly better off, for the time being, at least. I don’t think they’re quite as bad, but some aspects are indeed just as bad. But I have not visited Russia, so my perspective is skewed based purely on what I read about it.)

  • Megaman_EXE@beehaw.orgtoChat@beehaw.orgAbleism
    1 month ago

    I don’t know exactly why its usage would come up more frequently again. But I feel bad because when I grew up, the word was used frequently, and I never made the connection to it being offensive.

    I’m always terrified I’m going to say it or something else that could hurt someone or offend them. Like I wouldn’t want to make someone feel bad because I’m being foolish.

    On the flip side, I’ve never been one to let words hold so much power over me. I feel like words and language are very flexible, and so words don’t bother me unless I know someone intentionally is trying to be rude towards me.

    But again, that’s just me, and I know for others that’s not the case. So, I’m always trying to be mindful. I guess what I’m trying to say is that some people using it might not realise how it can make others feel. So try not to take it all to heart. Hopefully, it’s just a phase that will pass soon enough.

    Edit: one thing I have noticed is as political tensions have risen over the past decade, I feel like I’ve seen way more discourse online in general. I suppose that could just be a coincidence. It could be just due to more people having access to the internet overall. One thing I found when I used reddit a lot, was that sometimes young people could be the rudest and most hurtful. I sometimes wonder if it’s just due to a developing brain and the emotional fluctuations people can get in their teens? I don’t know

  • TMI incoming

    I woke up in the middle of the night and had some pretty bad shits. There was nothing other than increased stress that I could pinpoint to being the cause.

    I’ve also been feeling stressed in a different way than usual. It’s hard to describe, but normally, my stress and anxiety are more pronounced and up front. Whereas lately, it’s just been this dull, never-ending feeling in my core. My body just feels exhausted. My heart rate has also been uncomfortably noticeable in my chest as well. However, I’ve checked it out a couple of times, and it’s not racing, and it doesn’t feel like palpitations.

    I’m assuming it just has to be all stress related. Money has been increasingly tight lately. Like many, my job hasn’t been providing salary increases to even match inflation. I’m supporting my parents and we will have to move before the end of the year because it’s too expensive to live in this home now. My dog might have cancer, and vet bills have been expensive. So we’re just treading water at this point. We’re sqeezing by, but it’s all just a lot.