MinekPo1 [She/Her]

nya !!! :3333 gay uwu

I’m in a bad place rn so if I’m getting into an argument please tell me to disconnect for a bit as I dont deal with shit like that well :3

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I really feel like that’s not what anarchist believe , unlike her , she’s saying Lords and shit is like good , she just wants like small kingdoms and calls that anarchism

    literary what her post American civil war 2.0 map looks like :

    Map of US and for some reason both Canada and Mexico split into many irregularly shaped territories

    Like I will admit my reading of her writing is quite shallow but I cannot find anything except the incels start a revolution -> ??? -> return to the good old middle ages (admittedly I am slightly exaggerating , there is some historical analysis but I have no idea what ??? would be) . yes she watches whatifalthist how did you know .

    also just so you know the quality of her writing , one if the paragraphs in that essay is straight up a single extremely long sentence with amazingly insane parts :

    right wing insanity , bad writing

    Biden will be dead by the time the federal government collapses; the value of the US federal government for various forms of plunder are going to run out as federal entitlements programs and debt servicing consume more, then all, then more than all federal spending in rapid succession over the next few years; and most interestingly, the Trumpian coalition to “drain the swamp” and crush this system of federal plunder has gone from farce to threatening…as factions like banking private equity (who need the dollar and US financial system intact), “the Paypal Mafia” of prominent tech investors and billionaires who are intimately tied into the Military industrial complex (famously Elon Musk and Peter Thiel), a significant factions of Senior military leaders horrified at the state of US readiness, and the far right Netanyahu “revisionist zionist” faction of Israeli politics (who have had most Israeli interests turn on them just waiting to remove “Bibi” from power); they are all latching onto Trump to rescue their interests and the US system which they need to survive to maintain those interests, from what, on the other side of the arena, is a “globalist” (read: Democrat/EU/China aligned) desire to collapse the US dollar and thus rescue all their financial schemes through a manufactured crisis in which they can print infinite fake paper, institute a central bank digital currency, and get out of the fact they can neither sustain the US, EU, nor Chinese economies, nor Demographics whilst maintaining their bloated bureaucracies, by implementing a “Green”/Maoist massive reduction in living standards, and increasingly naked social credit totalitarianism…

    funny thing is she literally came up with degrowth there but somehow with capitalism

  • Agh I made a mistake in my code:

    if (recalc || numbers[i] != (hashstate[i] & 0xffffffff)) {
    	hashstate[i] = hasher.hash(((uint64_t)p << 32) | numbers[i]);

    Since I decided to pack the hashes and previous number values into a single array and then forgot to actually properly format the values, the hash counts generated by my code were nonsense. Not sure why I did that honestly.

    Also, my data analysis was trash, since even with the correct data, which as you noted is in a lineal correlation with n!, my reasoning suggests that its growing faster than it is.

    Here is a plot of the incorrect ratios compared to the correct ones, which is the proper analysis and also clearly shows something is wrong.

    Desmos graph showing two data sets, one growing linearly labeled incorrect and one converging to e labeled #hashes

    Anyway, and this is totally unrelated to me losing an internet argument and not coping well with that, I optimized my solution a lot and turns out its actually faster to only preform the check you are doing once or twice and narrow it down from there. The checks I’m doing are for the last two elements and the midpoint (though I tried moving that about with seemingly no effect ???) with the end check going to a branch without a loop. I’m not exactly sure why, despite the hour or two I spent profiling, though my guess is that it has something to do with caching?

    Also FYI I compared performance with -O3 and after modifying your implementation to use sdbm and to actually use the previous hash instead of the previous value (plus misc changes, see patch).

  • honestly I was very suspicious that you could get away with only calling the hash function once per permutation , but I couldn’t think how to prove one way or another.

    so I implemented it, first in python for prototyping then in c++ for longer runs… well only half of it, ie iterating over permutations and computing the hash, but not doing anything with it. unfortunately my implementation is O(n²) anyway, unsure if there is a way to optimize it, whatever. code

    as of writing I have results for lists of n ∈ 1 … 13 (13 took 18 minutes, 12 took about 1 minute, cant be bothered to run it for longer) and the number of hashes does not follow n! as your reasoning suggests, but closer to n! ⋅ n.

    desmos graph showing three graphs, labeled #hashes, n factorial and n factorial times n

    link for the desmos page

    anyway with your proposed function it doesn’t seem to be possible to achieve O(n!²) complexity

    also dont be so negative about your own creation. you could write an entire paper about this problem imho and have a problem with your name on it. though I would rather not have to title a paper “complexity of the magic lobster party problem” so yeah

  • unless the problem space includes all possible functions f , function f must itself have a complexity of at least n to use every number from both lists , else we can ignore some elements of either of the lists , therby lowering the complexity below O(n!²)

    if the problem space does include all possible functions f , I feel like it will still be faster complexity wise to find what elements the function is dependant on than to assume it depends on every element , therefore either the problem cannot be solved in O(n!²) or it can be solved quicker