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Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • I wonder how many people answered “are Jews as a class oppressors” as if it asked about Israelis.

    I also thought it was interesting that it only presents either “Israel as a homeland for Jews or no Israel at all” without a “Israel as a state where it’s a self evident truth that all people are created equal blah blah blah”.

    Apparently caring about Palestinian children is “extremism” if you put the title of the post next to the bit about TikTok hashtags.

    Given that the IHRA definition of antisemitism includes comparing the actions of the far-right government of Israel with Nazis, plenty of legitimate discourse is easily written off as “antisemitism”.

    Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.

    Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.

  • I did, and multiple friends are either actively working on doing the same or have expressed interest but have constraints (e.g. an autistic child who found a school / therapist they like, or non-ASD kids in hard age ranges to move).

    Contributing to a pro-birth, anti-democracy, anti-reasonable-gun-control, transphobic economy in a hot humid climate that’s getting worse made no sense.

    Texas literally banned ensuring workers get 10 minute water breaks every four hours. They banned cities voting to protect their own trees. Local democracies try to make things better and Texas says no. All the while, Texas refuses to employ a fair taxation strategy for less-urban areas, so blue cities have to fund the red counties’ school districts. Anybody not actively fighting to improve the political situation there should leave.

    I haven’t missed the weather at all.

    You’re underwater on a mortgage - this may not be catastrophic if you have a COVID interest rate and the place is rentable. Is that an option?

  • Your use of the word “woke” in this thread suggests that your ban from gaming discussions probably arises from others concluding you aren’t the kind of person they want to associate with.

    When Republicans’ lawyers actually have to define it under oath, here’s what they say:

    DeSantis’ general counsel, Ryan Newman, responded that the term means “the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.”

    Believing “wokeness” (as everyone defines it when they’re being honest) to be evil seems like a position that’s hard to support, at least without maintaining an intentional veil of ignorance.