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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • My problem is I don’t answer in my head. I think to myself, I need to craft a reply but I need time to do that, but then I don’t want to make the time to do it, and then I just don’t do it or I wait until way later when I crack and think “well I gotta say something” and send a half-assed reply just to put it out of mind.

    Answering texts is virtually no different to doing homework in my brain.

  • Because (Christian) “Faith” is a unique, arguably delusional, cyclical belief system based on feelings. It’s similar to the anti-vaccine mentality of “that’s just your opinion” when it’s not. The biggest difference being that there is no proving or disproving the existence of God.

    And Faith is built on this self-referential system of “you gotta have Faith in God because God is real and God is good and strong Faith will help you continue believing in God when you are otherwise challenged, and weak Faith is a sign that you are straying from God and you should strengthen your Faith by believing in God harder because God is real and God is good…”

    I used to be more religious and also thought “believe in whatever you want to believe in as long as you don’t be a dick about it,” but that’s really been changing a lot lately.

    Christianity has fallen so far and so many self-diagnosed Christians are just the worst type of people that I just couldn’t relate to them anymore and felt the need to distance myself.

    There have probably been (speculation because I don’t feel like looking up details right now) more deaths in the name of Christianity and the Christian God than any other religion and that continues to this day.

    I contribute modern day deaths from pregnancy complications deprived of needed health care, general lack of other health care for low income families, LGBTQIA2A+ suicides or other deaths, and more to “traditional Christian values”.

    Christian Nationalists can go fuck themselves and rot in their own hell they hate so much.

  • Right? It’s like they forgot how to balance and think this is what people what.

    I’ll never forget the tone deaf “Do you guys not have phones?” because that always reminds me of how out of touch they are with their customer base.

    Of course we have phones. Of course a lot of us would love a Diablo game for mobile. Of course at the time everyone was waiting and expecting news of a new main game in the series. Despite probably the higher game sales and larger fanbase of Diablo 3, I still feel like (or at least hope) that the general consensus is that Diablo 1 and 2 are seen as better than 3 (and now 4).

    If they had released a remastered 1 and/or 2 for mobile, I would have easily tossed them a few bucks for it or even each. Instead I played Immortal for a couple weeks until I got bored and gave them no money, but that doesn’t fucking matter because 1 dumb mother fucker is all it takes for the company to look at microtransactions as the profitable Holy Grail.

    They no longer have to make games for their majority fanbase, only a select few. And if you charge for the game AND microtransactions? Well that’s even better.