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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • It’s an estimate of premature deaths based on CO2 emissions.

    "Pearce and Parncutt found the peer-reviewed literature on the human mortality costs of carbon emissions converged on the “1,000-ton rule,” which is an estimate that one future premature death is caused every time approximately 1,000 tons of fossil carbon are burned.

    “Energy numbers like megawatts mean something to energy engineers like me, but not to most people. Similarly, when climate scientists talk about parts per million of carbon dioxide, that doesn’t mean anything to most people. A few degrees of average temperature rise are not intuitive either. Body count, however, is something we all understand,” said Pearce, a Western Engineering and Ivey Business School professor.

    “If you take the scientific consensus of the 1,000-ton rule seriously, and run the numbers, anthropogenic global warming equates to a billion premature dead bodies over the next century. Obviously, we have to act. And we have to act fast.”"

  • Like any subject matter that is complex it requires someone to have specialized training to understand and navigate. We all have a working understanding of the legal system, but sometimes we need expert opinion. Few people are willing/able to master the subject matter so supply relative to demand is low.

    The legal system is complex because our world is complex. We are constantly expanding human endeavors (Space law wasn’t an issue until Sputnik) and changing current laws (Marijuana laws have changed in many states). It’s not just a matter of learning the law once - it is constantly changing and requires an expert to be always up-to-date.

    You’re paying $.25 for the piece of paper and $199.75 for the lawyer’s knowledge of how to file it.

  • I think there is going to be a greater push for KYC for social media as we are going to soon be inundated with comments and online activity by bots that is indistinguishable from humans and hyper taylored to its audience. All the stuff Russia pulled with election interference is going to be child’s play.

    There is also going to be an explosion of content. The same recipe page that took a human a day or two to create will be made in a second. Billions of recipe pages, billions of sports blogs, billions of comments…