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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • That’s absolutely untrue. The West the West has gone out of its way to redefine what a genocide is. Even saying that that’s required in a parliament host in Europe.

    The challenges are coming from countries that are aligned with Russia and Iran. That’s so blatantly obvious. The fact that you didn’t include it in your statement really makes your intentions questionable here. Meanwhile, we have the former president of the icj, the lady who literally penned the decision saying that they didn’t rule. It was plausibly a genocide and that all the stupid people out there claiming it’s a genocide. Not only don’t understand the ruling but they don’t understand the topic. Seems like you’re part of that crowd.

  • I feel like you are very likely from a western society. And what I’ve noticed since this conflict has broken openly, is there is a serious disconnect between those of us who are rooted in the middle East and those who are not.

    When you live next to someone who has spent over 1,000 years trying to exterminate you and you now have a safe harbor that you can defend yourself from, then you meet fire with fire. Israel is quite clearly taking more steps than any Nation has ever taken in an urban combat situation to avoid civilian casualties. They’re not Lily white in this. Nobody fighting a war could possibly be, but to try and claim that they’re even close to being on the level of the people who tore babies out of their cribs and slaughtered them completely misrepresents the reality on the ground.

    The white Western Savior along the lines of what Martin Luther King identified 50 years ago doesn’t have a fucking clue what they’re looking at or talking about when it comes to the theater of war that we are witnessing in the middle East. You can’t humanely fight against the monsters that comprise hamas. As sad as that is for humans to have to accept in order to save their own lives.

  • And yet yesterday we have clear video released showing armed Hamas fighters headbands and all. Getting in and out of UNRWA vehicles just outside the Rafah gate.

    You’ve got the agency acknowledging that they were supplying Hamas with power underneath their headquarters, yet somehow we’re supposed to believe they weren’t aware.

    Got thousands of pages of documents linking employees of the agency to Hamas.

    And yet when the UN investigates itself it finds nothing wrong. Even while we’re seeing them covertly revise the mortality numbers and cutting the number of children dead in half. So what are we supposed to believe? Because they’ve certainly undermined any credibility that they could possibly have on this file with their public statements and actions.

    When you don’t believe what you see with your own eyes, It’s because your bias is stronger than your ability to reason.

    Edit. Hamas agreed to release bodies when they couldn’t come up with the number of hostages that they said they could. They’ve admitted they can’t turn over the number of live hostages to fulfill their end of the bargain. So how is that Israel’s fault? Hostages in exchange for truce is the deal, The only one misinformed here is you on a number of levels and it appears that you need to step outside your Echo chamber.

  • Well they paid the power bill for Hamas for starters. Anyone who believes they weren’t aware of what’s underneath their hq is not worth engaging in discussing with frankly.

    There’s video that just came out yesterday showing Hamas fully armed and in regalia using un vehicles at the Rafa gate. There’s also 3,000 pages of emails, text messages and employee files that link thousands of unreal officials.

    There’s reams of proof out there. You just need to get out of your Echo chamber.