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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Every state has its good and bad. We are out of control with the gun thing. There is a higher chance you will get shot and killed while minding your own business in America than most other countries. We are selfish and not much unity unless you are on one side or there and even then, we have become stupid and gullible. We are violent. We are much more violent in general than anyone I have ever encountered in other countries. Maybe England, but even there, it is not the same. Americans have no problem straight up killing each other. We are getting worse.

    Is America great? Depends on who you ask. Is America a place where you still have some opportunities to make a better life for yourself. Sure. But it is not the same as that the pamphlet sold to everyone else. We are far from perfect and in many cases, other countries do things better.

    Having said that, it is cool. Just keep your eyes open and pay attention.

  • I am white but born and raised in a pacific islander nation around pacific islanders. There are no men on the planet more manly and tough than pacific islanders IMO. But they are also humble, caring, giving, loving, respectful and in general some of the best people you will ever meet in this life. Piss them off and watch a real warrior comes out.

    This weird American macho thing is not tough at all. To me I just see a bunch of weak posers that if called out by a real man, most would cry and beg to not get beat.

  • I am a straight guy and I don’t want to know what anyone is doing in bed at night. Straight, bi, gay, whatever. There are so many other issues in my life that are more important than the size of some other dude’s penis. I don’t care and don’t want to hear it. I am not trying to be a porn star, this does not concern me. Aside from that, be as fabulous or boring as you want in life, I don’t care, more power to you. It makes my life more interesting, full and well rounded to know you. Even you boring ones.

    But these guys seem to be obsessed and weird about it. Caught between trying to use the hatred towards these people to their advantage but coming off looking like total freaks. Or maybe they really are, all just total weirdos.