• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • My partner is newly diagnosed at 40 and while on the surface it seems like he’s a just “shrug it off” guy, he’s not able to fully ignore it - there’s so much inner turmoil. He always feels bad for not doing XYZ and he’s never truly able to enjoy doing something else instead. He can be temporarily distracted by an enjoyable/relaxing activity, but he does care. He always cares. And he never feels like he deserves to enjoy anything when there’s so much to do at home/work/his life. It’s unbelievably distressing. ADHD is a spectrum. I’m so glad that you are able to shrug it off and enjoy other things, but that’s not the reality for all ADHD sufferers.

  • Kinda defeats the object of closing your bedroom door to prevent fire/smoke spreading but I can definitely see how useful it’d be if you had dogs and cats. Or flatmates. Or family members you don’t particularly want to be naked in front of after your cat walks in and inevitably leaves the door wide open. Can you easily remove it from the outside of the room, or do you need to be inside the room to attach and remove it?