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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • I returned it to the supermarket and the checkout lady put it straight in the normal bin in front of me! I was referring to the packaging more though - a box, a leaflet, a sealed plastic bag thingy, plastic labels that have to be removed, a little plastic stopper for the mouth piece. You’re meant to get 600 puffs per vape but every one I tried died after 2 days. That’s a huge amount of waste compared to the one bottle of juice I recycle each month and the coil I throw out every two-three months.

  • I vape, it’s how I quit smoking. I’d prefer to smoke, but it is the lesser of two evils, and I would encourage anyone who smokes cigarettes to switch. I recently went on holiday, smashed my vape and couldn’t find a replacement. I ended up buying the disposable kind from a supermarket for the first time and I was honestly shocked at how wasteful the are - so much unnecessary plastic that goes straight into the bin. But I was more shocked by how clearly geared towards children the disposable kind are - the bright colours, the flashy lights, the super sweet flavours, the high nicotine content. The one I bought was called YOLO ffs.

  • I’ve had 6 covid vaccinations and I’m still not protected. It’s not a case of “having the chance to get sufficiently vaccinated” if the vaccines don’t work on your immunosuppressed body, or if you can’t have the vaccine at all.

    It’s unbelievably selfish to go out when you know you have covid. How hard is it to stay home for 5 days or so when you test positive ffs?! The fact that you don’t think staying home for a few days is “justified” when you literally risk killing someone vulnerable by not isolating is frankly shameful.

  • I just finished the Eddie Flynn series by Steve Cavanagh and would highly recommend it for anyone looking for an easy but captivating read. It’s kinda like watching a decent Hollywood action thriller. You have to suspend belief for a large part but it’s kinda fun and the characters are likeable.

    This isn’t a spoiler, it’s on the blurb, but Eddie Flynn is a con man turned lawyer and I really enjoy antihero protagonists, particularly in the crime/thriller genre. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know!

  • It really depends on the type of community. I created a few a missed from Reddit and honestly the screenshot/photo based communities are piss easy to start. !badrealestate for example is 3 weeks old with 48 posts and 3.6k subscribers. I just posted every day for a few weeks, now other people are posting and I contribute a couple of times a week.

    On the other hand !tennis_fans and !downtherabbithole are much harder to get going because they require very regular or in depth text posts. Those two have less than 200 subscribers between them.

    What I find really annoying is when people criticise posts on the communities I’ve created, when they haven’t contributed at all. People want more communities, people want more content. Don’t be a dick and then criticise the content that someone has put their time and effort into sharing with you for your enjoyment! Anyway, rant over.

    If anyone’s browsing this thread and looking for more (active) communities to join, there’s also !DontYouKnowWhoIAm !clevercombacks !murderedbywords and !confidently_incorrect