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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Sukisuki@lemmy.worldtoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    9 months ago

    You don’t believe science. Science is the process of understanding and learning about the universe. There is nothing to believe. If you agree you agree, if you disagree you prove otherwise. No dogmatism, rituals, beliefs, traditions are present unlike religions. So apples to oranges.

    You can also choose to understand science if you invest enough time. You cannot, for example, see a god if you work hard. Again, apples to oranges.

  • Both parties should contribute equally.

    That being said it’s a grey area. When I was out of a job and my bf worked 12 hour shifts, and came home exhausted and defeated, I didn’t mind doing all the work in the house. He did the same thing when I was working and he lost his job. Etc.

    It’s more like “I can do this if you don’t have the time/energy” and less like “I am required to do this because he is required to handle finances” though. Every relationship is different so this would be better answered in relationship_advice, with context and background explained

  • Can you elaborate what you mean by things that science can’t explain?

    Everything came from randomness and is mostly narrated by it, and there’s no escape from it. You may hit the lottery or end up with a rare fatal disease any time, your life will be changed and there’s nothing you can do about it. It’s not about god granting you awards or punishing you, it just happens. From this POV getting depressed because I went through x feels like getting depressed because water flows.

    Life is painful, also joyful, beautiful and really ugly, gross and amazing. You’re supposed to fall, get hurt and then get up and run a bit more until you can’t anymore. Every good and bad thing will pass in time

  • We did some acid with my then boyfriend. When we went to sleep that morning, he couldn’t sleep. He tossed and turned, still nothing. Then he had a sudden sort of “vision” of his friend in an unfamiliar room. He called him and described the room, turns out the friend was at his childhood home, visiting his parents. He described the room pretty clearly and his friend was flabbergasted - if thats the correct word. This is the one thing I could not explain, although had some theories on how acid might enhance the “receiver” part of the brain. There’s not enough research done so that stayed as a theory. We did acid a bunch of times later, couple times just to experience something similar, but it never did.

  • Sukisuki@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlmy precious!
    10 months ago

    This was an advice from my mom and for my first flat I ignored it. It ended up with landlord keeping the deposit because of some items we didn’t take with us. Mentioned items were a bunch of worthless trash he, so politely, asked us to keep in an unused room because he could need them later. After that I religiously documented every single detail & interaction with landlords(texts etc.) Saved my ass a bunch of times.

  • In ramadan, people fasted all day long and broke their fast at evening. In the morning, my granma prepared “keşkek”; tomato paste, wheat and stock, put it all in a clay pot called “caba”. She’d take the caba’s, hand me a bunch of firewood and we’d walk to the neighbors house. Everybody in the neighbourhood did this. They had a huge outdoor oven, everybody would bring firewood and their caba’s. Then they’d put all of the cabas in the oven, fire it and let it cook, until it’s evening, time to break the fast. The food would slowly cook in fire and when it’s time to break the fast, the whole neighbourhood smelled like delicious keşkek. Then you’d go get your cabas from the neighbor, and there would be this thick crust on top. That was my favorite, and honestly I haven’t had anything that smells or tastes that good. I’d wait for ramadan every year. Of course I wouldn’t fast because I was just a kid

  • Holy shit. I was weird too. I still am. I feel like I’m pretending to be normal 24/7. I observe people’s behaviors in an environment, take an average and just go with that. The only time I am genuinely myself are the times when I’m heavily drunk. Which is tempting but knowing that’s how alcoholism begins I don’t do that either. Weirdly, when I’m not drunk and try to be myself, I offend people or get offended. Just put my foot in my mouth somehow.

    Yeah, that realization helped a bit, when my friend was in a rut and I had to spend hours just to convince her to let me help, it dawned on me. I do this as well. I shouldn’t. It still feels really hard to accept help.

    Thanks for the insightful response. I have a question and I don’t want to offend you. I talk to people online, and lurk autism subs, and I relate to so many things. Like you just said, I tend to read neutral expressions as negative. If that’s a symptom, then I have it, if not we’re awfully similar. I have never been the one to armchair diagnose myself over the internet but I don’t know what kind of conversation I should have with a healthcare professional. I don’t know if it’s ok to just go “hey, I suspect I am on the spectrum.” Were you diagnosed when you were an adult and how did the process go? Thanks in advance.

  • Me again. I’m in a similar boat, I understand when you say you need an engaging conversation with someone. If you’re okay with having this conversation online I would be up for it because satan knows I need one as well. That is of course if what I can offer meets what you consider as engaging conversation.

    Social skills tend to decline unfortunately. The memory I told in this thread, that level of social skill is now so far away from me it feels like she’s a different person. In a sense she is, it happened abt 10 years ago, but you get it. My social skills suck ass right now. I can’t seem to talk to someone and get my point across without offending them or being offended myself. So a conversation might be a nice social skill honer for two people who kinda need it, about anything and everything. Doesn’t matter about what really. So if you’d like to… talk, to me, let me know.

  • When I was younger I’d take my camera and just walk the streets of the city alone. One day I saw police gathering around. Thinking that I could take some interesting shots at where they were headed, I followed them. After a while I realized there were another girl following them. We said hi and I asked her what she was doing. She said she saw the police and thought they were up to something, so she followed them. Lol.

    The police, unlike usual, ended up not doing anything remotely interesting, so we headed to a tea house, spent about 3 hours talking. We talked about pretty much anything knowing that we would never see each other again. It was kinda weird but really liberating to talk to someone when you don’t really care what they think of you. We talked about life, universe, art, music, families, anything and everything. The weird thing is she was a lot like me. And I don’t meet a lot of people who are so similar to me. Even physically, she looked like a whiter version of me, and she dressed like how I would dress if I wasn’t broke. We had the same taste in music and all. I only had money for two cups of tea and busfare, so after our teas we said goodbye, parted and I never saw her again.

    I didn’t ask for a contact number and she didn’t either. I knew, and she knew, the “charm” of these three hours depended on the fact that it was never to happen again. But I know that I knew her better than anyone in her life, just like she knew me. For three hours only.

    Probably the most interesting conversation I will ever have