• 7 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2022


  • The irony is that the Americans are slaves to their electoral system. Liberal democracies are one big, pathetic myth where they make the masses believe that they are the ones in control of the polity and just like they elected someone into a position of power they can dismiss them in later elections.

    The discourse that has been happening shows quite a different reality: Americans are treating the elections as if there is no alternative. Even if there indeed was no alternative, they don’t bargain with the ones in power, they don’t use their vote as a bargaining chip for political change. They are ready to vote unconditionally because they accept their candidate as is.

    You don’t see democrat voters pressuring the Biden administration to put an end to the genocide in Palestine. They feel uneasy towards what’s happening but ultimately they consider themselves to be powerless. Western democracy and constitutionalism have politically alienated the people.

  • The Lebanese Phalanges Party, a right-wing political party.

    [Pierre] Gemayel [the founder] never denied his desire to replicate the youth organizations of Nazi Germany, and the name was taken from Francisco Franco’s (1892–1975) Falange Española, a fascist political party.

    [In 1982] Bashir Gemayel was elected president of Lebanon, but he was assassinated before he took office. After his assassination, militias loyal to the Lebanese Forces (a collation of right-wing militias under the control of the Phalanges) entered the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps and massacred hundreds of Palestinians (and some Lebanese) civilians.


  • This is understandable in the current neoliberal age of udnerfunded public transportation.

    In my country’s case the tramway tracks were removed in the 60’s to make more place for cars (freedom baby) and the train network shut down a decade or so later. A few years ago the public bus service also went broke, after intentional underfunding and many (failed) attempts to privatize it. Now we are left with a few companies and businessmen maintaining a monopoly over bus transportation which doesn’t even cover all the areas.

    Incidentally, roads and highways are still being expanded because there can never be enough to house the ever-increasing car population.

  • Where did you get your info from?

    Mahmoud Abbas, president of Palestine and head of Fatah, was the one to suspend both legislative and presidential elections and not Hamas. In fact, the latter “strongly opposed the decision to call off elections” (npr.org).

    Abbas’ party has been working closely with the Israeli authorities. His excuse was that “Israel refused to commit to allowing Palestinians to vote in Israeli-occupied East Jerusalem” (npr.org).

    Some (quite convincingly) hypothesise that the suspension of the elections was aimed at preserving his presidency and salvage “his fractured Fatah party [which] was expected to suffer another embarrassing defeat to Hamas.” (apnews.com).

    How can one expect the people to not fight if democracy can’t be exercised freely?