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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: September 4th, 2023


  • I believe in personal freedom. I believe in smaller, more local governance. I believe in gun rights and the right to defend oneself. I believe in free market capitalism, fewer entitlements, and lower taxes. I believe the family structure is key to a thriving society and think it should be encouraged from a policy/tax standpoint rather than dismantled in favor of government “parentage”. I believe in meritocracy rather than the ever shifting goal post of equity. I do support abortion, but not in the late term/full term like many leftists do. I think it is a necessary evil and should never be celebrated.

    You clearly missed the part where I said I was for open borders. Which current candidates oppose gay rights, and what rights are we talking about?

  • You clearly missed the point, but what can I expect…?

    I have no issue whatsoever with you bashing my side. What I DO have an issue with is you bashing my side and then staying uncharacteristically quiet as your side does the same thing. Selective outrage is hypocritical and disingenuous. Even your response here illustrates to me that you aren’t willing to suck up your pride and be honest. Rather than focus on the specifics of what I’ve said you ignore it and attack me personally.

    I would never consider Trump my guy. That being said I think he was treated unfairly by the media and those like yourself. Y’all spent 4 years claiming he was a Russian Manchurian candidate, that he would clearly start world war 3, that he would imprison his political opponents, and on and on. The sick part is Biden has come much closer to many of those accusations than Trump did and you STILL carry water for him. You should be ashamed.

  • What does any of that have to do with inflation?

    What caused inflation in this instance was the uncontrolled spending/printing of money by our government, and their mandates to shutter large portions of our economy even after COVID was shown to be less of a risk than initially feared. It’s absolutely true that Trump was still president when it began and COVID was having a serious impact on our economy. What wasn’t Trump’s doing was the continued spending and closures well after COVID had been dealt with. We continued to pass multi-trillion dollar spending bills under the blanket of COVID relief which in reality had next to nothing to do with actual COVID relief. Instead, our government saw a once in a lifetime opportunity to have what was essentially a blank check, and oh boy did they capitalize on that. Take a look at Biden’s baby, the Inflation Reduction Act. It’s a prime example of this. Even now proponents admit it did little to stifle inflation.

  • I get your point, and while there is certainly a subset of people who are suffering through no fault of their own, there are plenty of people who are lazy and/or made terrible decisions. Lumping them all together like you are doesn’t help the situation. Those who want help should absolutely be helped. Those who don’t should not be allowed to ruin it for the rest of us.