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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 22nd, 2024


  • Anything that suggests you believe the current state of the world is acceptable outs you as a lib. Saying things like “Yeah Biden’s got some problems, but at least he didn’t do a few of the things trump did.” If you believe that things would have been fine were it not for trump, you’re a lib. Or a moron, I cant always tell the difference.

    Heres a great summary of liberalism: “If we put forward good policies into the politics machine, then other people will too, and because I have absolute faith in the system established by a bunch of slave owners, whatever comes out MUST be just and good.” Which of course implies that if the result you want or need DOESNT come out of the politics machine, it is right and just that you should not get it.

    Like, they fundamentally don’t realize that the politics machine is capable of breaking, and that it has been broken for a LONG time (basically the moment it was asked to value the needs of someone who wasn’t wealthy, white, and male.)

  • So I take it you are pro WW3? Why do you think you will even survive it?

    If America continues to engage Russia in a cold war over frozen wastelands that means nothing to us, there is a very real risk of starting WW3. In which case, most of us will die. Ukraine needs to solve its own problems, and so I provided a solution. Boom, war over. Russia is going to win the war eventually anyway, it’s just basic math. Why are any of us still wasting all these resources fighting it?

    It’s all just a question of ego vs intelligence. Whichever side chooses intelligence will end up far better off in the long run.

  • Why are y’all constantly so delusional that you can’t even comprehend an American who understands any small part of global politics?

    If we spend trillions fighting Russia in a cold war, we won’t have the money to fix any of the many real problems we have, most important of which is our goddawful healthcare system that kills thousands of Americans every month. The estimate is 50-100,000 preventable deaths, every single year.

    Take some goddamn pride in your country and help us fix it. You’re just a crab in a bucket of boiling water, ensuring no other crabs escape if you can’t.

  • I do know a lot about it, you’re suggesting I don’t based on one detail. Shut the fuck up with your imperialist propaganda, it isn’t “contrarian” to demand that we make peace with a global superpower rather than start a world war. The working class is all on one side of that potential future war, and we can only win it by not all dying in it.

    The contrarian view is to shrug and say “well, guess we all have to die in the capitalists war now, nothing to be done.” Realize that us in the American working class are on the same side as the Russian working class. Our enemies are both American and Russian oligarchs,who will happily start a world war for profits.

  • Literally just don’t let them do that. America and Europe together would have no issue repelling that at all. We have no reason to think they would do that either, aside from our own projection of course. This current demand is reasonable enough that we should be willing to wage peace over it. Further demands would not be. America is so concerned with winning (ironic considering I don’t think we actually have won a war since 1945), that we seem to have forgotten the lesson of WW1: Dont let the losers lose too hard. America needs a somewhat strong Russia anyway, as a check on China.

    Russia is capable of taking Crimea by force. They also really, really want it. The smart thing to do would be for the west to concede this war as early as possible. The boneheaded thing would be for us to hand over trillions to weapons manufacturers over the next 10 years, while Americans continue to die of preventable illnesses because we “can’t afford” Medicare for all (even thoigh its the cheaper option). But obviously, because that is what the capitalists want to happen, it will probably happen.

  • Maybe the US should not be having a cold war with the entire eastern hemisphere. Just a thought. Could go badly.

    Just let them have Crimea and ensure that American nukes will never end up in Ukraine by writing it into their NATO treaty, boom, war over. Russia is capable of forcing this through militarily, unless America decides to fully engage in the cold war again. Ukraine needs to surrender a war they’re losing anyway in the interest of preventing world war 3.