• 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023

  • It’s really important what happens in the next 5 years and how the media reports that.

    Fascist is a term that gets thrown around too lightly for people that they disagree with especially on this website.

    There is two things seem to being going on. Britain has moved left. That’s largely due to how much everyone hates the conservatives rather than labour winning votes.

    But the unexpected thing is Reform gaining a lot of seats and becoming second in certain seats. Reform have run on changing the voting system, house of lords, reducing taxes for small business and low incomes, improving the NHS. But the real thing people are voting on them in reducing immigration both legal and illegal. This is why they have gained millions of votes and if this doesn’t get addressed their share will continue to increase because they are the only party talking about it in the way people want. But even though Reform want to increase defence spending they are friendly with Russia and not good on the environment.

    The door is definitely opening for the UK to swing further right than the current Tories in 5 years.

  • It’s by design.

    The rich want low housing and high population because it makes their assets go up. Traditionally like silent generation, greatest generation and before affordable homes for the working class and the following generations was seen as an ideal that people were willing to die for. This ideal was largely realised with the boomers.

    But the boomers then decided it is better if they have houses and no one else does because their wealth can go up and they can then make money like the land owners than their grandparents were kept in poverty by. Now they can do it to their children!

    I honestly don’t think it will be solved until the boomers die. Even then I wouldn’t count on it. Too much effort to keep population increasing no matter the cost.

    If I was PM I would end up get voted out by doing something drastic like trying to put through a land value tax and building a new city 1mill+ city maybe between Hull and Leeds. Put a big fucking 200mph train line between Liverpool and Hull. Tell everyone to get fucked and steal some quotes from Churchill and JFK about going through hard time for the better of the country.

  • I agree with most of what you said. But the right won’t get in again unless they toughen up on immigration. The far right or the left will get in and the left know people want lowered immigration.

    I’m never voting labour, I never have and I never will unless they try to get rid of FPTP. They are going to win anyway so my vote does nothing.

    I’m sad to see that you’ve been convinced that we would ever be allowed to work less, under right wing governments.

    I don’t think we will. But I love this country and I’m willing to make sacrifices, if I need to work 6 days a week to keep immigration down that’s a tradeoff I’m happy to accept. But again. I don’t represent 20 million votes. Me voting labour or reform isn’t going to get either party in power/ keep them out.

  • https://metro.co.uk/2024/06/04/this-top-parties-election-say-immigration-20967177/

    Labour has some vague promises about controlling borders. Great doesn’t really say anything at all does it? Doesn’t sound like immigration is going to come massively down.

    Greens: No barriers to prevent or deter asylum seekers wanting to come into the UK. Scrap minimum income and language requirements for visas.

    Brilliant. We have people already coming to the UK that won’t integrate now we are going to bring in people that can’t even speak English.

    Do you actually care what plaid, SNP or any of the NI parties have to say? They are largely on labours level.


    Focus on ‘the immigration election’ Stop the boats’ (with a six-point plan) Freeze all non-essential, ‘unskilled’ immigration (excluding care workers)

    You must be able to see how reform are talking about doing more about immigration right? You can’t be that thick.

    You must be able to see voting for reform comes across more as “the UK wants less immigration” than voting for greens or labour.

  • Have you literally never seen an actual socialist discuss politics? *On Lemmy?*

    Lol socialists. They are delusional. Can’t see basic facts in front of their faces. I should have paid attention to the sub’s you go in. You’re completely brainwashed. It was apparent when you didn’t actually try or want to learn anything from me. You made your mind up and you stuck with it no matter what I said. That is not a healthy mindset, you should work on that. Try see what people are trying to tell, you look at other sides.

    Even know you can’t even try and think about how anyone would ever change their mind on anything. That’s not good.

    Yes I have argued with loads. I actually have a degree in economics but none of them want to understand basic economic theory. Like you, they have an opinion and nothing else matters. Not other peoples views, not other countries, not other situations not fact. Nothing all that matters is their brainwashed position is repeated.

    For the record, but I know you will live in denial. I believe in high taxes, high government spending, LVT, free education and healthcare, subsidised public transport, subsidised training, externalities in general, house building programmes, in the future UBI, money for families and teens. But all of that is insignificant the mismanagement of immigration the UK currently has, so I’m going to vote for stopping immigration. The other policies can wait.

    But lol socialism. I’ll die to stop that. What a terrible idea that is.

  • Why is there an American on here so vocal about British politics? I guess in the American way you know more about foreign countries than the locals?

    right just loves FREEDOM

    Of course they do that’s their point. They want freedom from government restriction.

    Here is a thought. Left wing votes are decreasing and right wing votes are increasing. How is this possible? Have left wing people been magically replaced, or have people that voted left moved to voting for the right?

    If you make the completely logical conclusion than some left wing voter must now be voting for the right. Then why is it so hard for you to accept I’m one of them?

    Just take a step back for a moment and actually consider the possibility I have switched from a left wing voter to a right wing voter. Now holding that position what would make me switch votes? Maybe just do that as a little thought experiment.

    I have voted green and I have voted plaid. Both of which are left. I think green policies are largely going to be solved economically, at least the short term with things happening now. See Tony Seba, see my post history. So voting green doesn’t do much. Plaid won’t win majority so voting for them won’t achieve anything. The biggest issue for the common working man (left views) is lowering immigration. The best thing for business and land owners is raising immigration. Immigration right now should be a left wing policy. If you want the lower classes to be better off at the expense of the rich and business then vote against immigration.

    Do I think reform will win? No. But did UKIP win? No. Did UKIP achieve their goals? Yes, so hopefully they do again.

    Me voting Green and Plaid didn’t cause them to achieve their goals but people voting for UKIP did. I hope the sane happens again with Reform.

    Also I did vote remain.

  • Of course it holds up to scrutiny. You are just close minded.

    I, and probably most left wing people throughout history, have had economically left views and want low immigration. I don’t know why you can’t accept that.

    The left aren’t doing enough, or talking about doing enough, about immigration. So as such I have to make a decision. What’s more important, kinda crappy left views that in my opinion don’t go far enough. Or deal with immigration.

    Immigration is such a big issue that the left are losing voters like me to parties that will do something about immigration.

    If there was a left party talking about immigration as much as reform and was polling the same I’d vote for them. But right now the big issue is immigration and I want that solved. I’m willing to take a economic hit achieve that. But I also think lowering immigration is good for the economy and the workers in it. So I get to vote for 2/3 things I want rather than 1/3. There does that basic maths help you understand now? It’s really not hard.

  • Well what makes someone a leftie? Because it seems we have different views on what that is and I’m letting you lay down the groundwork on that. I don’t mean parties I mean as a concept. What cote views make someone left vs right?

    Sure if you vote for a right party then I can see how that by definition can make you right. So if I vote right then yes I will be for the first time in my life right. (All other times I voted for a left party and I think my core right/left views are left. Just few exceptional views could override others and make me vote for a party that holds views I don’t agree with).

    In the Brexit vote I voted remain. What more can i say?

    I didn’t say reform hit all the boxes. You tried to convince me to vote for someone else and I asked why I should vote for them.

    I voted for other left leaning parties in the past because of voting reform issues. As for immigration I think reform are talking about it more and the publicity on the issue is bigger. Therefore voting for reform does more for the immigration issue than any other.

    I’m really struggling to understand what you don’t get.