• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • I agree it’s not a blockchain, (although it has chain properties) but it is kinda decentralized. By convention projects almost exclusively have a single remote, and by convention that single remote is treated as an ultimate source-of-truth… But you can absolutely have the same repo with multiple remotes defined, and one could establish different schemes to determine which branches on which remotes represent what in terms of “truth”.

  • I’m not God’s gift to the field, but I am clearly better than most of my competition - that is, practitioners who haven’t put in the reps to build their own C libraries in a cave with scraps, but can read textbooks and use libraries written by elite institutions.

    I agree not reading isn’t a virtue, but after reading something that caused my eyes to roll entirely out of my skull, I had to choose to cut the damage to my optic nerves.

    Maybe the rest was good. That was bad. My critique is constrained to that specific, nauseating paragraph.

  • I actually don’t think I disagree with you in principle. I had the chance to talk shop with Kent Beck, and honestly, I don’t think he would either.

    Honestly, I can sum it up pretty succinctly:

    “Use some common fucking sense”

    I don’t think you should HAVE to read that. But, I’m routinely disappointed.

    So, I love the Agile Manifesto, because instead of saying “Use your fucking head” to my managers who claim to be agile, I can much more diplomatically say “What does the agile manifesto say about that?”

  • Ok, I think I see your position more clearly now:

    You’re thinking about people who are interested and installing based on technical interest and curiosity.

    In those cases, I think you’re probably right. There is probably some base competency at play. A desire to learn. Probably someone in their sphere to support.

    I’m thinking more about the type of people who would buy a Chromebook. Or my cheap ass parents who want to squeeze another 5 years out of an ailing laptop. They don’t want to spend any money and just want to use Facebook and YouTube. Send some emails. Connect to wifi. Print their boarding passes. Not have their machines riddled with viruses within minutes because their windows OS isn’t getting security updates anymore. I think this is actually a massive use case, and I want Linux to be accessible to them without needing to use the terminal for anything.