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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023

  • I find the “clean history” argument so flawed.

    Sure, if you’re they type to micro commit, you can squash your branch and clean it up before merging. We don’t need a dozen “fixed tests” commits for context.

    But in practice, I have seen multiple teams with the policy of squash merging every branch with 0 exceptions. Even going so far as squash merging development branches to master, which then lumps 20 different changes into a single commit. Sure, you can always be a git archeologist, check out specific revisions, see the original commits, and dig down the history over and over, to get the original context of the specific change you’re looking into. But that’s way fucking more overhead than just looking at an unmanipulated history and seeing the parallel work going on, and get a clue on context at a glance at the network graph.

  • Russian government is not the Russian people. For the last 30 years or so, the only bad coming out of Russia was trade wars and proxy wars, all exclusively perpetuated by the elite. The general masses were innocent.

    The problem now is that the general public is complicit with this war war. Those that haven’t fled or rioted.

    And their soldiers are committing unspeakable horrors beyond the bare “necessities” of war. Torture, rape, genocide. It’s sadistic what they have done.

    I felt compassion for the first wave of unwitting soldiers who suddenly found themselves in a war, many from poor rural territories where joining the military was the only feasible way to provide for their family.

    Now? Not so much.

  • He’s an actual traditional conservative, which isn’t a republican anymore. But he has the freedom to say this because he’s on his way out. If he was in the first half of his career, there’s no way he’d be so up front.

    That said, as someone who voted against him, it has been refreshing hearing him vocally go against Maga for years. But he has had the luxury because his seat in as head political Mormon in Mormon controlled State, and his status in the party as a former presidential nominee. He was never risking much besides being a target of MAGA domestic terrorism.

  • I get, and approve of, ending your sponsorship via ads. But I don’t think legal recourse should be rewarded.

    Any business transaction has risk. If you decide to advertise on Superbowl, you’re putting your chips on NFL.

    If you’re advertising on Twitter, after the Musk purchase, your money is on Musk and Twitters staff to continue the value. If Musk says stupid shit that devalues your investment… well, that’s on you for putting your money on it, and not exercising your exit clause a year ago.