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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2023


  • Outside of suicidality, it’s important to not give advice outside of what’s asked for. It’s useful to talk in respect to your own experiences and not make universal claims about what works for you personally.

    Thanks for this.

    There is a german proverb for this: “Ratschläge sind auch Schläge”, meaning that advice, even when given with good intention, feels like a punch. Every time someone gave me advice i didn’t ask for while depressed felt horrible, like an accusation of laziness and lack of discipline. Don’t do this.

  • I like this part very much:

    The term “schmidhubered” has been jokingly used in the AI community to describe Schmidhuber’s habit of publicly challenging the originality of other researchers’ work, a practice seen by some in the AI community as a “rite of passage” for young researchers. Some suggest that Schmidhuber’s significant accomplishments have been underappreciated due to his confrontational personality.

  • Taking a stroll through my library:

    • The Ascent: Cyberpunk Action RPG, nice action and story, single/coop.
    • Star Valor: Top-Down Action space. not so much story wise, but great gameplay, costumisation, fleets, and the upcoming addon will add station building and (more) faction warfare.
    • Weird West: from the Arkane Austin crew (Prey 2016, Dishonored). Good story, immersive gameplay, and a innovative world. It’s 3rd person, but there is a mod which makes it 1st person!
    • Mortal Sin: Roguelike Melee-FPS. lots of fun, and the dev just replaced the level generation completely, adding verticality and much more variety.
    • Golden light: another Roguelike FPS, its on the weird side, but a lot to explore, had a lot of fun with that one!
    • Hardspace: Shipbreaker: scrapping spaceships in zero-g has never been more fun! good storyline highlighting the plight of workers in an inhumane system, and what they can do about it.
    • Styx: Master of Shadows: Thief-like gameplay, well polished.
    • Red Faction: Guerilla: Older game, Open world is a bit bland, but the realtime destruction of large buildings with explosives will never get old
    • and if you haven’t played it yet: the System Shock Remake is an absolute joy to play.

    My current FPS fix is Deadlink: another roguelike FPS, very tight gunplay and movement, good looking too.

    if you can give a few examples what games you enjoyed, i can probably point you in the right direction… i think i have a slight game collecting problem with a few thousand titles, but at least i can help people like you out lol

  • Yeah, one of the best examples of this is the Vienna public transit network. About 1000 vehicles (bus, tram, light rail, subway) in service at rush hour, a daily total distance of over 200000km traveled, more year-long ticket owners than car owners in the city, and about 2 million “travels” per day, which is about 30% of all traveling done over the city (including pedestrian and bike traffic)

    If that traffic would be routed only by car, the city would be a giant parking space; to compare, one subway train carries about 900 people in rush hour, which replaces 790 cars (avg 1,14 persons per car here). the subway interval in the rush hour is about 4 minutes. i live at one of the subway final destinations, which is on one of the far ends of the city - and i can be at the other side of town in about 25 minutes.

    And constructing and running a public transit network is a pretty nice boost to the local economy, creates a whole lot of jobs. sounds like something a lot of us cities could make use of.

    Mixed traffic works here, it allows mobility for all social classes (yearlong tickets cost 365€, so about 400$ incl. taxes), nearly all stations are barrier free.

  • yeah, they were first believed to have originated from germany; currently science places them as an southeast asian expatriate with a pit stop in NE africa. It’s too cold for them to live outside of human settlements in germany, although i’m pretty sure that will change in the next years, and then the name fits at last.

  • Mythbusters put it to the test:


    Kari volunteered to work in a coffee shop, disguising her appearance with a wig and makeup and using three different bust sizes: “small” (taped down to achieve a reduction of two cup sizes), “medium” (no alteration), and “large” (DDD size). Grant and Tory watched her through hidden cameras and gave her a tip jar rigged to separate tips given by men from those given by women.

    They focused on the tips Kari collected from the first 80 male customers on each shift. During the “small” and “medium” shifts, she collected $72 in tips, while the “large” shift yielded $98, with both men and women tipping almost 40% more. The team classified the myth as confirmed.