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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • Orcas are cool. They work as a team and they’re clever. Great White shark is just a blood-smelling chomp chomp. Orcas grab onto the sharks fins, and start dragging it around. Sometimes they rip the fin off. Sharks need to keep swimming to breathe so they don’t like being dragged around. Then the orcas eat the liver and the heart and go hunt another one.

    It seems they’ve adapted their great white strategy to boats. Instead of grabbing a fin they grab the rudder. Makes perfect sense. Maybe they’ll learn to stick old boat parts into the spinning props. The article says they’ve encountered hundreds of boats but most of them get away. If they get more clever about immobilizing them they’ll be quite deadly.

  • 🤷‍♂️ Tomato / Potato. Cavitation occurs (the bubble formation) at a temperature below 100C, yes. As the steam bubble shrinks, very high temperatures are reached (super-heated steam). All of that energy, plus the latent heat of condensation is released back into the fluid. At that instant, there is a very small yet-to-be-mixed portion of liquid that may be near the boiling point. That small portion of fluid may undergo a warm-brew process as it cools and mixes. I’m kind of conceptualizing this brewing process like: what if you could heat, mix, and cool the coffee all at once everywhere. But I’ve never observed cavitation and bubble collapse with an ultra high-speed microscope camera, so my concept may be off a bit. I have seen photos of what it does to hardened steel hydropower turbines.

    My next question would be, what if you start with ice water? That may give you something like true cold-brew. Another factor to consider is that I believe most cold brew is very oxidized. It might be interesting to try ultrasonic degassing for some period of time before the grounds are added, to see how much of the cold brew flavor is just oxidized coffee.

  • I agree this is the kind of thing I should find on YouTube, not in an academic journal. But the paper does go into a lot of detail about extraction efficiency, so I guess there might be some useful measurements.

    I am curious about the taste. It should be somewhere in between cold brew and hot, but probably closer to cold. Cavitation is a violent process. On a micro scale it’s literally boiling. Then the steam bubble collapses and is instantly cooled because of an almost infinitely big heat sink. So when cavitation occurs near the coffee grounds, some of the extraction would be at much warmer temperatures, for a brief instant.

  • It’s safe as long as nobody breaks the rules. If law enforcement or copyright holders really wanted a login they could probably get an invite from somebody. The weak link in security is always going to be a person.

    Once they infiltrated a private tracker, they’d either have to hack them or download every torrent they want to and track down the seeders. 90% of the seeders would probably be in a different country so, is it really worth their effort? They’re not going to get the people ripping the shows and movies.

    So yes, I think getting caught on a private tracker is possible. Perhaps not probable.