• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • That isn’t gaming the system. That means they if someone follows mostly far right accounts, they’ll see the ads show up next to far right content.

    If they make no effort to deprioritize Nazi content or treat it differently, then ads will run with that content. They have to purposely sandbag that content so it doesn’t appear.

    Honestly, the methodology here just confirms the argument. If someone is following mostly Nazis, they’ll be suggested content that is mostly Nazis, and ads are going to run alongside it. I suspect that’s not a negligible share of the accounts.

  • At the same time, this is one of the great tragedies of Democracy. More than half (when you don’t have an electoral college) need to agree on something for it to be done. If 50.1% didn’t want to prosecute him as a war criminal but 49.9% did, he goes scot free, and there’s no real recourse unless you break the law.

    This doesn’t suddenly absolve Americans. A majority still stopped justice from being done. I wouldn’t be so harsh on Americans today though for that 50.1% in the past, they didn’t have any choice in the matter.

    Be mad at us instead for what’s happening in the present with Israel. The current generation of Americans has plenty to criticize with just our actions than needing to go back in history. And it’s more poignant imo of an indictment.

    Generally speaking though I do agree, the West unfairly enriched itself, and plenty of people are content to clutch our pearls at the history but not to make any material amends.