Its me. Bezzie.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Because one side went into homes and kidnapped kids and mothers and dragged them back to Gaza after being gang raped. The other arrested people actually committing crimes. What is with people trying to “not make assumptions” about a terror group?

    The people trying to go around claiming that Hamas just defending themselves from colonizers are no better than Sandy Hook deniers and claiming crisis actors lol.

  • They did report on it.

    To quote one article:

    She was 18 when she was arrested and held in the Damon prison in Haifa, accused of stabbing an Israeli settler with a knife.

    Tldr most of the other crimes are:

    threatening security illegally entering Israel without a permit throwing stones supporting terrorism associating with hostile/unknown organisations.

    Tldr it may seem weird to us, but women and children under these terrorist regimes are brought up to do terrible things and may not even realize it. Though Israel did say nobody convicted of murder would be freed though people convicted of attempted murder were eligible.

  • If the native Americans went around doing what Hamas does? Yes.

    Here’s the difference. As fucked as Israel treats many in the strip, you don’t see crowds of civilians joining in to rape women or spit on the corpses of Innocents. You see soldiers do fucked things sure but the average person isn’t involved.

    The shit that Hamas just did? Streets filled with people joining in and celebrating women being paraded around. You see civilians jumping into the truck with them to rape them. You see celebrations all around the world about this.

    Fuck them. They are as guilty by association and not kicking these fucks out of their country.

    On top of this, most countries don’t even want Palestinians because of how fucked they are. Look what happened in Egypt when they accepted them. They don’t anymore for a reason.

    They absolutely deserve what is coming to them. Israel is still doing roof knocks to warn Innocents and they absolutely shouldn’t at this point.

    Need a modern day crusade to clean that country out of these people who believe that it’s acceptable to rape and kill old people.