Sad. But true.
Sad. But true.
“sorry” was never a good password anyway
I think it might be the intention. Also, rule bending.
First they came for the trans people. But I was not trans.
Those floats would end up in a lawsuit over here in the “free world”
It would be buried, grab your metal detector.
Too many bodyguards
I can’t wait for those damn dirty Apes to take over. I hear they have great healthcare.
This is just the start. This is him just seeing what he can get away with
I bet within a year he pumps it right from the bank.
More cheap talk and no action.
That is one reason, yes. Control communications, and you control the people.
No, we straight up got taken over by Russia. That’s worse than being irrelevant.
Illegal? Shit.
Gotta stop the poor from having access to communication so they cannot organize.
They want to quietly bleed us dry so we are forced to work to survive. They don’t want a middle class, because they aren’t as easy to control as someone living paycheck to paycheck.
But charging them will be illegal.
This isn’t a worker thing though. This isn’t a union thing. This is a coup, with some Hollywood glitter.
I do agree that finding people in my own community would be a lot more effective than the sad lot on here (not pointed at you).
It’s good they do so we all know what’s going on.
I hope they win, cause you know Microsoft had no problem doing it