• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • If taste isn’t a concern, I’ve gotten by with chlorella and cocoa chia pudding for longer than I care to admit. I don’t mind the taste of chlorella, but most people apparently don’t find it and other seaweed all that appetizing, but it’s a drink so you can just chug it like a beer or something and neutralize the taste with like a splash of lemon juice or water with lemon juice. Won’t fill your stomach all that much, though.

    Miso soup (with wakame and maybe tofu and veggies cut down to tiny pieces?) is also a great addition to that.

  • Ai nekö on tarkoitettu siihen, että porukka ei kattois jotain? Ite oon aina luullu että niiden pointti on nimenomaan enemmän semmonen vastuuvapaus mahdollisesti traumaattisen sisällön näyttämisestä tuotannon puolesta. “Saattaa sisältää pieniä määriä maapähkinää” tjsp., mutta kyse vaan väkivallasta, huumeista tai tisseistä. Toisinsanoen “ei ole meidän vastuulla jos sinua häiritsee nämä asiat, ei ole meidän vastuulla.”. Mikä mun mielestä on ihan täysin loogista. Ihmiset on ihan yleensä helvetin tyhmiä.

  • On top of all that, I wonder how much the types of backports they’re rooting for would be used to acquire the kind of material pedophiles are after. I mean kids will be kids either way and be stupid and the people that are after kiddie porn seem more likely the type of people to know their way around and stay hidden, because they’re literally predators. These backports will be abused by both “the legitimate” side and criminals, so wouldn’t having a “special key” to unlock your backdoor put your children in more danger, especially when you’re sleeping sound thinking you’re safe and therefore not worried about someone, “breaking in”. (Is it still breaking in if they have a fucking key?)