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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • is there anything you would recommend?

    You’d need to donate via whatever means they accept donations, it’s not something you get to choose yourself. Unless you meant that you are going to keep contacting FOSS projects to ask them to set up new donation methods?

    Personally I donate via crypto or other means that they allow donations via credit card (Liberapay / Ko-Fi work well IMO) . No Paypal/Venmo since I can’t use those services - some FOSS projects I don’t donate at all if they only accept Paypal.

  • however I can still seed the torrent how is that possible?

    Yes you can still seed as well as downloaded. But you are limited and can only upload and download torrent data in swarms that contain peers that are themselves fully connectable (port forwarded).

    So say you join a torrent swarm that only contains peers just like you (firewalled, no ports forwarded) then no one will transfer any torrent data with each other. Everyone is stuck waiting for a fully connectable (port forwarded) peer to join that swarm.

  • I tried creating my own torrent and was able to dl it on another device, but on her machine it stayed at 0% and wouldn’t let me connect to seed

    At least one of the torrent clients needs to be fully connectable (port forwarded) for torrents to transfer data. You need to test that e.g. test your torrent client’s incoming connection port with a port test website like https://www.canyouseeme.org, https://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports, etc. & make sure those port test websites can successfully test connect to your torrent client’s incoming connection port. If the test fails then you need to look at opening the port via your OS firewall and/or router firewall.

    Is FTP a good option? I set up a proxmox server last night but I don’t really know what I’m doing yet

    Probably best to avoid FTP if you don’t know what you’re doing, it’s not all that secure… you’d want to at least configure SFTP or FTPS which is just going to be more complicated vs fixing your torrent issues. And technically you still need to make those connectable (port forwarded) too, just like your torrent client.

    All that aside it’s probably easier to use Syncthing if you can’t get the torrent working.

    You could also try one of those file transfer websites that use WebRTC to transfer data peer to peer e.g. https://file.pizza or similar. Not sure how well they work for huge amounts of data but their github page mentions that Firefox is better for that, apparently Chrome starts to choke with data 500+ MB.

  • You might be confusing public IP addresses with ports? If your torrent client doesn’t have a public IP address that just means it’s offline / no internet. Maybe your internet is down or the VPN is disconnected. You’re won’t torrent anything at all in that state.

    One side of the connection needs a public address open port, not both. When both parties don’t have a publicly addressable IP open port, the status is firewalled. I guess they can “see” each other but are unable to exchange any torrent data.

    For what it’s worth in the situation where both peers don’t have open ports (meaning they are both firewalled) they end up having to wait for another peer to join that torrent swarm that happens to have a open port, that’s the only way any data will exchange in that swarm. Until that happens those two peers will sit there waiting and not exchanging data.

  • I have never done any kind of manual port forwarding my current VPN provider does not do that at the price I have it for right now.

    If the VPN provider does not support port forwarding then it is normal and expected to always be firewalled. Toggling random ports doesn’t change that fact.

    Not sure why you would sometimes see your status as fully connectable, guessing either it’s a Windscribe misconfiguration when you initially connect (?) or qBittorrent gets confused during the intitial connect. Or there’s some other misconfiguration.

    You might want to see if other people using that VPN provider have more insight, maybe they are doing something strange with the ports when you initially connect & eventually close them on you.

  • Fastmail is great but it’s a totally different market /use case, you wouldn’t go with them if you’re privacy oriented. They’re better than Google in that sense but you’d go with Proton if you’re looking for privacy features.

    Also keep in mind Fastmail is based in Australia and their government tends to be anti-privacy with the laws that get passed there.