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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2023

  • Well this is the funny thing that has occurred in the last 24 hours. I have been playing about with basic Ubuntu and I installed Wine on it. But when I tried to come up with a Microsoft dependent application to test it out on I came to the realization that there are no applications that I use that are exclusive to Microsoft. Nearly everything I use is either web-based or has a Linux port.

    Hell, even MS Office is web based nowadays. I think Windows truly has become obsolete, or at least out moded. That is for casual desktop users such as myself. There may be enterprise programs out there that still rely on Windows architecture.

    Edit: P.S. the Ubuntu was really just a test for the machine I will be working with. I think I’m likely gonna stick Mint on it and give that a try after a new hard drive arrives for it later this week.

  • If you’re hesitant to fully commit at first, I also recommend dual booting with Windows. Over time you’ll use it less and less until one day you feel like reclaiming the disk space.

    I have a 10 year old laptop that I had to get rid of the hard drive for and am installing an nand drive and want to use to re-familiarize myself with Linux on it. Especially since my main desktops are too old to upgrade to Windows 11(not that I’d want to anyway) and I figure going Linux now will save me from scrambling when the pooch gets thoroughly screwed after Win 10 updates end.

  • I think this is what Morgan Freeman meant when he said he had a problem with Black History Month. Having a celebration of all that you are as a people is great, especially for barely recognized minorities, but we need to acknowledge that those minorities still exist and should still be celebrated even after the official festivities are over with.

  • Okay I hate Bill Gates as much as anybody because he is a greedy scum sucking billionaire with extreme self-interest, but common core didn’t fail because it was a bad idea. Setting a common standard for all of education is not a bad thing. The problem was that it was introduced during the Obama administration and the conservative think tanks went to work immediately to put out propaganda trying to make it into yet another culture war prerogative. It’s been most recently tied to critical race theory even though CRT isn’t taught in anything but collage law classes.

    In fact, the one that pisses me off most is how they’ve demonized the new math curriculum simply because it doesn’t jive with how it was taught in the past. But the way it was taught before was thought up by 1800’s school marms and the new math standards were developed by actual mathematicians who knows how math works far better than a 19th century school teacher. Kids who are taught the new math standards will be capable of more advanced math far sooner than their parents and grandparents ever were.

  • I was resistant to ending my use of reddit, but now they have nerfed the mobile site so bad I can’t even login anymore so I’ve stopped trying. I still peruse it on my PC at least once daily but I think that the moment RES finally stops working will spell the end of that.

    As for Facebook. I mostly keep it around for an easy connection to family and friend and a few meme groups that amuse me. But again, only like once a day do I check in ion that site.

    Edit: I should mention that I have never and will never use either of those website’s apps.