Chloyster [she/her]

Trans rights 🏳️‍⚧️ (she/her)

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  • 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • Chloyster [she/her]*Permanently Deleted*
    7 months ago

    My thoughts on the topic of this thread aside, you claim we have built a reputation for this. I would ask that you provide other examples of this. I have been fairly active on beehaw for quite a few months now and have not seen this behavior. You may say I am biased as I am a mod on the platform, but I do truly think beehaw does its best to uphold its ethos. And what you claim the “point of beehaw” is, is directly antithetical to our ethos.

  • Tbh it’s been bad.

    My partner got a job in Seattle, which has been the plan. I am from there and we have been wanting to move back. I was hoping to keep my job when I moved there as it’s fully remote, although pretty California specific. Before I went on my 2 week trip, I was told, yes I could keep my job. I was so thrilled. Kept thinking about how excited I was to finally be moving back after all these years.

    First day back from the trip. Oh oops, nevermind, I don’t get to keep it. So now I’m in a position of, find a new job as fast as possible or else I’m stuck down here by myself for who knows how long. And I feel like I can’t even do anything to start this process, as I am still waiting for the surgeon I’m seeing for bottom surgery to call me and schedule. It’s been a month since insurance approved the procedure, but crickets from the clinic. Idk how I can really apply for jobs when my surgery could come at any time and postpone me starting the job. And it’s on my current works insurance so…

    On top of it all, dysphoria is at an all time high. Misgendering has never been fun for me, but I’ve often been able to shrug it off. During my trip I was getting misgendered like 30-50 times a day. It wore me out so much. Just a general feeling of fuck recently.

    Oh and I just got covid.

    Unfun times

  • I would just like to throw my voice out there as a mod on the instance.

    I truly love beehaw, and will likely stay if this move happened. Beehaw was an amazing place to find after everything happened with reddit. And I love participating here and really like the community I’ve found here

    All that being said. I would be extremely saddened and disappointed if beehaw decided to leave the fediverse. I am fully aware of how some off instance users can behave. It is definitely a problem, especially in some more vulnerable communities. However I also feel like the ability to federate has brought some life to the platform that would be sorely missed.

    I would very much hope a white list would be considered before leaving the fediverse entirely.

    Ultimately, I know this is not my project. And I have no decision making powers, but I think lemmy would be a much worse place without beehaw. I hope this decision does not come to pass, personally