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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • I mean… DX 9, 10, and 11 were all released prior to Nadella being CEO/chairman.

    But in software, it’s very commonplace for library versions not to be backwards compatible without recompiling the software. This isn’t the same thing as being able to open a word doc last saved on a floppy disk in 1997 on Word 365 2024 version, this is about loading executable code. Even core libraries in Linux (like OpenSSL and ncurses) respect this same schema, and more strongly than MS.

    Using OpenSSL as an example, RHEL 7 provides an interface to OpenSSL 1.0. But 1.1 is not available in the core OS, you’d have to install it separately. 1.1 was introduced to the core in RHEL 8, with a compatibility library on a separate package to support 1.0 packages that hadn’t been recompiled against 1.1 yet. In RHEL 9, the same was true of OpenSSL 3 - a compatibility library for 1.1, and 1.0 support fully dropped from core. So no matter which version you use, you still have to install the right library package. That library package will then also have to work on your version of libc - which is often reasonably wide, but it has it limits just the same.

    Edit because I forgot a sentence in the last paragraph - like DirectX, VC++, and OpenGL, you have to match the version of ncurses, OpenSSL, etc exactly to the major (and often the minor) version or else the executable won’t load up and will generate a linking error. Even if you did mangle the binary code to link it, you’d still end up with data corruption or crashes because the library versions are too different to operate.

  • DirectX, OpenGL, Visual C++ Redist and many other support libraries in software programs typically require the same major version of the support libraries that they were shipped with.

    For DirectX, that major version is 9, 10, 11, 12. Any major library change has to be recompiled into the game by the original developer. (Or a very VERY dedicated modder with solid low level knowledge)

    Same goes for OpenGL, except I think they draw the line at the second number as well - 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4.

    For VC++, these versions come in years - typically you’ll see 2008, 2010, 2013, and the last version 2015-2022 is special. Programs written in the 2013 version or lower only require the latest version of that year to run. For the 2015-2022 library, they didn’t change the major version spec so any program requiring 2015+ can (usually) just use the latest version installed.

    The one library that does weird things to this rule is DXVK and Intel’s older DX9-on-12. These are translation shim libraries that allow the application to speak DX9 etc and translate it on the fly to the commands of a much more modern library - Vulkan in the case of DXVK or DX12 in Intel’s case.

    Edited to remove a reference to 9-on-12 that I think I had backwards.

  • “broken build” here likely refers to the phrase as defined by gamers to function as synonymous to “overpowered”.

    As in, “the build is so broken you can’t/it is difficult to play against it”. This phraseology could be used by either an ally or an enemy, but it contextually changes connotation from positive for allies to negative for enemies.

    Build is often used as a shorthand for a character’s combination of items, skills, and levels (as the various games define it).

  • That sounds like the average megacorp terms of service these days.

    Yes, just because everyone’s doing it doesn’t mean they can’t be better. They should be better, but worldwide government regulations don’t force that (yet).

    But at some point to interact with any kind of large company, your information is going to end up crossing the path of a large company, especially one of the hyperscale cloud and connectivity providers like Microsoft, Akami, Cloudflare, Google, Amazon, etc.

    Whether businesses get copies of information is usually included in a site’s privacy policy, and if you’re curious about that list (and it’s not publicly documented), I’d hope there’s a contact to get more info about the policy (like a privacy@ email address)

    If you really want to limit your information exposure, you either have to audit everyone you do business with this way (because most large companies do this) or hire someone (or a service) to do it.

    You could also consider not interacting with large companies at all - but you’d limit yourself from part of the modern world. If that’s your game, by all means by my guest.

  • So strictly speaking I don’t know yet if we are struggling for damage output because that fight has more body checks (5+) than DPS checks. The times I’ve gotten to the end, the previous body check has been so scuffed people have 1 or 2 levels of exhaustion due to deaths which really puts a sinker on the damage output. Finding groups at (insert whatever random time I pick up party finder and decide my evening shall be raiding) was largely my challenge. This is also my first tier running raids on-content.

    Week 1 I only put one day forwards, so it counts and doesn’t at the same time for me. But I did get past baits

    What I ran into mostly in 3-6 was picking the wrong time (Monday night on Crystal) to try to find groups. There was a notable vacuum of parties advertising at my prog point - it felt like (mild exaggeration) everyone was fresh, enrage, or a reclear.

    So to make sure I still got practice in, I’d take an instance that was a fresh prog and help them - but we’d time out / disband right as we got to the mechanic I was on. As a result, I got really good at phase 1 with minimal “forward” progress.

    Pulling stuff earlier in the week, even on Crystal there was a bit more variety if I looked closer to the beginning of reset, and last two weeks (week 7-8 if I counted right), I got clones > mouser 2 > and these past three days I saw raining cats and enrage.

    So, other notes

    • for one, the more mechs I can get through, the more PFs are available. This problem will be its own nature solve itself.
    • I know I could visit Aether or Primal, but as small as Crystal 's raiding scene is if we all collectively decide it’s dead than it WILL die and I’m determined to do my part to prevent that from happening
    • my FC has also been probing their way into on-content EX and savage, so with that I’ve also gotten more confident at leading/teaching, and starting next tier I plan to be part of the solution and actively put up a PF if I don’t see one rather than passively participating. I’m not going to sit and bemoan on social media a lower traffic datacenter without trying to fix this myself. There is a limit to how well that will work, because if I’m too late at night, too many PFs may “vampire” each other for members if there’s not quite enough people online. That’s something I have part of a feel of now, and I’ll get better with practice.
    • “just join a static”: something I have considered, but I need to make sure I don’t over promise my energy. Sometimes I’ll just run one instance, other times I’ll be at it for 6h enough that one of the other FC officers logs out, domes something else, logs back in later and sees where I am to say “wait you’re STILL raiding??” Statics, by nature, have a fixed schedule and it would be quite rude to them to just not have energy available at their time. Scheduling 8 people is and always will be the hardest part of any raid.