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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Not everything we need. As sea levels rise and inundate aquifers with salt, and as drought followed by flood becomes the norm, the places people live will run out of water for everyday use. Causing waves of refugees, spawning wars.

    We are not going to be okay. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t act. Pretending it’s going to be okay is just a foolish as pretending it isn’t real.

  • You’re missing a TON of history here. Like udev being a dependency to all those projects AND systemd, which led to systemd adding it to their project. Really it could be said that udev is the critical component here.

    As you mentioned networkmanager, you clearly know that many popular distros use that rather than systemd-networkd.

    Grub2 is by far the most popular boot loader, so far ahead that it’s not even worth considering others. Grub has had several major issues, every distro uses it, why not pick on grub as the risk?

    Did you have these same concerns about sysvinit? About the various distro network scripts? What about libc? Good god if there’s a problem with libc we’re all in deep trouble.

    Yes, code has bugs. But New code has new bugs (ironically an argument previously used against systemd). Whatever you replace these components with will be just as likely to have a critical vulnerability, but far fewer maintainers and resources to fix it. Systemd has simplified and improved features of so many parts of Linux that it’s funny to see how vehemently people argued against it. Feel free to disable any parts you don’t need, but I think you’re missing 20 years of painful history that led us here.

  • ISO standards need to be purchased to be viewed, RFCs are freely available requests for comment. The RFC 3339 format is effectively the same is the ISO format, except RFC 3339 allows for a space between the date and time components whereas the ISO format uses a “T” character to separate date and time components.

    If you want to get real weird, RFCs are not standards but rather a request for other participants to comment on the proposal. RFCs tend to be pointed towards as de facto standards though, even before they become a BCP or STD.

  • This comment is NOT AT ALL intended to excuse anything that Axl has said, sung, or thought. But in the late 80s and early 90s it wasn’t just the cultural norm to saw insanely offensive things about gay people, but they were actively demonized in huge swaths of daily life. I can not imagine how it felt being gay, bi, or otherwise queer but I have to imagine it was petrifying. If something happened to you, the cops were unlikely to investigate. Songs, TV, even news papers made fun of and offensive comments about gay people.

    The cultural shift that’s happened over the past 40 years is pretty incredible. Not saying we don’t have further to go, not saying things are good now, just noting where we’ve come from just in my own lifetime. Axl might still be a POS, and he’s absolutely out of his mind. But shit like that was so pervasive.

  • Dr. Dabbles@lemmy.worldtopolitics @lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    7 months ago

    When Biden ran in 2020, he faced bleak odds and needed to make concessions to voters to be more appealing. Nobody should ever apologize for holding his feet to the fire and making him offer more than just “I’m not a fascist clown”. Anybody saying NOW isn’t the time to make a candidate offer more than that is out of their minds, and does not care about democracy. Period.

    Of course, the punchline to all of this is that Biden partially delivered on his corporate handout efforts, and has delivered nothing on his social programs or reforms that benefit actual people. Why? Because of people saying you should just vote for him without requiring anything of him. If he loses in 2024, it would be devastating to the US. But it will have been his fault, and his fault alone.


    Structural change at this point is changes to the governance and Constitution of the US.

    There’s absolutely no possibility of the president changing any of the constitution that matters for Citizens United, and the best the president could do is propose to congress that the number of seats on the court be changed. Which isn’t going to happen. Again, he promised on the campaign trail to enshrine abortion as a right, and he’s done absolutely nothing to make that happen. That would be structural change, and he’s not interested in that.

    Also, the federal government has zero authority over state elections, so suggesting that a president could make structural change there entirely misunderstands how the US government actually works.

    And until you get a functional democracy yes, advocating for not voting for the sole liberal democrat on the ballot is advocating for the rule of his fascist alternative

    No it isn’t. You’ve been lied to and duped with almost 50 years of bullshit parroted as truth. If Biden wants voters, he needs to offer them something that will get them to come to the polls. That’s his job, not theirs. Actually appeal to voters better than a con artist.

    that is a dangeroud delusion at this point

    Uh huh. Says the person feigning concern for democracy while telling me that there’s no choice but to vote for ONE candidate.

    I do believe in representative democracy

    You very clearly don’t, nor the right for people to choose “none of the above” which is a fundamental form of expression.

    but you no longer have one of those,

    We demonstrably do. It needs several protections enshrined in law, but if you actually looked at state and local elections, which ACTUALLY matter much more than the figurehead in the whitehouse, then you’d see that we very much do have a functioning democracy. You might not like the outcome, and I absolutely hate it, but the politicians that promise what the electorate wants gets elected. And once they do, they change their district to guarantee future wins, but that’s another point entirely. One that has actually started to be addressed by electing people that aren’t just the democratic establishment. In fact, many of those districts were also gerrymandered by the democratic establishment.

    It really seems like you’re confused about how the US government(s) work, which is likely one of your first major problems. I’d suggest you look up how our state governments work, and what their relationship to the federal government is. You’ve made several mistakes in your comments that sort of demonstrate you don’t quite get it, and yet you feel you’re entitled to lecture people in the US about it.

    Go set cars on fire until you get a funcioning system

    We did that for a while, and guess what happened. OH! And Biden squashed the rail workers strike, and now we’ve had over a dozen major disasters from the railroads as a result. What a champion of the people over corporate greed.

  • Dr. Dabbles@lemmy.worldtopolitics @lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    7 months ago

    Where are the massive protests demanding reform of structural issues on year two of the term? I missed those

    You certainly did. Biden has been criticized by the actual left nearly as much as he has from the right. Do you not remember the protests about student loans?

    The actual problem is, people get the government they deserve. So, everybody wants to bang their drum about protecting abortion now, but nobody did a damn thing about enshrining it in law for over 40 years before now. Why? Because nobody forced elected officials to do what the will of the people was. I’ve got dozens of friends that will tell you to your face that they will vote the democrat party candidate because they’ll protect abortion. Some fucking job they did.

    I promise there are better tools to improve a decaying worldwide superpower than advocating for it to be run by a fascist nutcase

    That’s not what voting your conscience is, and anybody saying that’s what it is doesn’t actually believe in democracy. Period. People should vote for who they want to vote for. Maybe not voting for pieces of shit in the first place for a change.

    can learn from Argentina and the Netherlands’ mistakes

    The US has a dramatically different form of government, especially compared to NL. Frankly, the president of the US matters a hell of a lot less than congress. But thanks to the idiotic math of congress, and decades of gerrymandering, and voters that are just tired of the bullshit not turning up, you get what the US does. A perpetual slide to the right. Our most “liberal” members of congress and certainly presidential cabinets of the last 45 years have been more right wing than any republican that was elected before then.