• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • I designed my heating system around a fairly efficient non-condensing NG boiler that takes 40W for the fan. I can run it and the circulators off my battery bank no problem, and handle a sustained power failure. But only because of the natural gas.

    I’ve been integrating a water-water GSHP into it to provide summer cooling and a supplemental heat source from my solar panels. It works well, but in my climate (Rural Canada) I would be insane to completely remove my gas boiler IMO. Heating demand is just way too high on the sort of days where the power goes out. I’ve been working on plans for a wood boiler but insurance has put their foot right down on anything that burns wood in the last couple years.

    Here in Canada we can’t get lithium at a reasonable price so I have 10kWh of lead-acid (which as you know is actually 5). Doesn’t go very far on a cold winter day with 4 hours of sun and snow on the panels!

    On the upside I haven’t had to hook my generator to my house in years, I’m really happy with my “grid-independent” system.

  • Double would be a COP of over 10. That’s a stretch for an overbuilt GSHP and not even slightly feasible for air-air.

    High COPs are usually easy on a compressor as they represent low compression ratios and low differential temps. For example I can hit around COP 7 in cooling on my scrap heap GSHP, with an evap temp around 10C and condenser temp around 20C. That’s a high side pressure around 100 psi and only 30 psi of differential, “barely working” as far as the compressor is concerned.

    The only way I know to get high COPs is to have an oversized condenser and a way to get your refrigerant below ambient, like evaporative, ground source or overnight radiant so you can get the compression ratio down, unless you know a secret in which case I’m not afraid to burn out a compressor or two trying it out!

  • Liftoff is fun, I’ve always recommended FPVFreerider for serious training, it’s more stripped down and focuses on absolute core flight functionality. Less tuning, more flying.

    The graphics are basic but that means you’ll never drop a frame even on a potato at 165Hz, the flight controls are insanely tight. Likewise this was the software I paired my radio with and learned to fly.

    It’s also only a couple bucks and there’s a freeware/demo version floating around out there too.

  • evranch@lemmy.catoScience Memes@mander.xyzshrimp is bugs
    2 months ago

    I draw the line at “overpopulated” when our resource consumption is unsustainable to the point where we are becoming the sole consumer of the planet.

    It’s commonly stated that we would need 2 planets the same size to sustain our current population in a way that doesn’t result in eventual collapse.

    We’ve cleared vast land areas and scoured the sea of fish in our quest for calories. Eating bugs will not be the solution that makes us sustainable.

    It’s been proven our population increases every time we increase our carrying capacity, such as through the invention of nitrogen fertilizer, mechanized agriculture etc. And there has never been a time that there were not people starving somewhere.

    If we carry on this path we will be eating bugs and people will still be starving while ecosystems continue to collapse. It sounds like there is no net gain, IMO.

  • evranch@lemmy.catoScience Memes@mander.xyzshrimp is bugs
    2 months ago

    Valid point. When I grew up fishing for shrimp as a kid I was quite terrified of them until I was taught how to eat them.

    I can assume they taste bad, because otherwise we would all be eating them already. Humans eat just about everything on the planet if it’s tasty, even if it’s really weird. Example: shrimp, lol.

    Personally I don’t see the need for it when we have plenty of plant sources of protein like pulses, and we can raise ruminants on otherwise useless land (like my hilly, rocky farm).

    It seems to me just an excuse to continue overpopulating the planet. Sure, we could develop new protein sources to feed 10 billion - but if we had kept our population to the 4 billion it was in the 1970s we could all be eating thick beef steaks and salmon without worrying about straining the carrying capacity of the planet.

    Maybe we should focus on getting our population down to a sustainable level before we worry about new and exotic foods.

  • evranch@lemmy.catoScience Memes@mander.xyzshrimp is bugs
    2 months ago

    That’s the problem, it isn’t delicious. That’s why they keep coming up with schemes to use them as a protein additive, like “cricket flour”.

    I raise lamb free range on pasture, no inputs other than grass, and that’s what I’ll be eating for the foreseeable future. Let me tell you, that’s delicious.

    I would encourage anyone else concerned about factory farming to find a small producer, most of us will gladly even give you a tour and let you see our herds, we love to show off healthy animals on green grass. And we’re often cheaper than the supermarket these days, no greedy middlemen to mark it up.

  • evranch@lemmy.catoScience Memes@mander.xyzshrimp is bugs
    2 months ago

    The difference is that shrimp are delicious? Last time you got a bug in your mouth what was your instinctive response?

    The great reset is bogus but there’s definitely a “conspiracy” to get us to eat bugs… A boring, capitalist conspiracy. Just the next step in the race to the bottom, another cheap and low quality food that the unwashed masses can afford to keep them alive and trudging off to work.

    I will eat bugs when I see the billionaires have them on their plates.

  • I played 3 and NV on 360, both games were badly marred by being as much loading zone as they were game. Ruined the experience of snooping around for loot and side quests as opening a door back into the wasteland could take minutes. I had to stick to mostly the main quest.

    4 was a far better “game” for being played on PC, but I agree NV plot was great. I just didn’t want to replay and get the different endings, as the game itself was painful to play.

    I should replay them on PC someday, especially if there are graphical update mods available.

  • I think you’re misreading the point I’m trying to make. I’m not arguing that LLM is AGI or that it can understand anything.

    I’m just questioning what the true use case of AGI would be that can’t be achieved by existing expert systems, real humans, or a combination of both.

    Sure Deepseek or Copilot won’t answer your legal questions. But neither will a real programmer. Nor will a lawyer be any good at writing code.

    However when the appropriate LLMs with the appropriate augmentations can be used to write code or legal contracts under human supervision, isn’t that good enough? Do we really need to develop a true human level intelligence when we already have 8 billion of those looking for something to do?

    AGI is a fun theoretical concept, but I really don’t see the practical need for a “next step” past the point of expanding and refining our current deep learning models, or how it would improve our world.

  • And it still can’t understand; its still just sleight of hand.

    Yes, thus “passable imitation of understanding”.

    The average consumer doesn’t understand tensors, weights and backprop. They haven’t even heard of such things. They ask it a question, like it was a sentient AGI. It gives them an answer.

    Passable imitation.

    You don’t need a data center except for training, either. There’s no exponential term as the models are executed sequentially. You can even flush the huge LLM off your GPU when you don’t actively need it.

    I’ve already run basically this entire stack locally and integrated it with my home automation system, on a system with a 12GB Radeon and 32GB RAM. Just to see how well it would work and to impress my friends.

    You yell out “$wakeword, it’s cold in here. Turn up the furnace” and it can bicker with you in near-realtime about energy costs before turning it up the requested amount.